Politics in high school softball suck!

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May 25, 2010
Sometimes you get what you deserve, sometimes you don't...good or bad.

I don't know if she has dreams of someday playing for the local HS, but my DD does not play for any local teams. I don't involve myself with any local drama regarding all the other parents' little softball starlets.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Oh, I get it now...

Parents don't want any politics involved in HS (or college or travel) sports....they only want the coaches, teammates and local media to acknowledge the super-human abilities of their DDs, start them as a freshman and let them (all 100 of them) bat 4th.
Apr 1, 2010
Oh, I get it now...

Parents don't want any politics involved in HS (or college or travel) sports....they only want the coaches, teammates and local media to acknowledge the super-human abilities of their DDs, start them as a freshman and let them (all 100 of them) bat 4th.

Bwahahahaha, I should know better than to drink while reading!
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Oh, I get it now...

Parents don't want any politics involved in HS (or college or travel) sports....they only want the coaches, teammates and local media to acknowledge the super-human abilities of their DDs, start them as a freshman and let them (all 100 of them) bat 4th.

Yea, and don't forget it anytime soon!! :)

For the record I don't mind if mine bats 3rd, I'm flexible.
Aug 14, 2011
As frustrating as it all is, I know my DD would never NOT play for her school. She knows it's basically rec level, she knows it will be frustrating for many reasons, but she also loves the girls and just being able to play ball for her school.
Oh, I get it now...

Parents don't want any politics involved in HS (or college or travel) sports....they only want the coaches, teammates and local media to acknowledge the super-human abilities of their DDs, start them as a freshman and let them (all 100 of them) bat 4th.

Nope mine has to bat leadoff- since she is obviously the best baserunner in the conference, and being the leadoff she will get five or six more at-bats during the season....for the benefit of the team, I mean.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
I believe that most coaches - high school and travel - want to win. I tell parents that the very best players will always play and coaches identify them easily. If your daughter is anywhere in the middle. The coaches may or may not see her as a key player and she may or may not get the time you believe she deserves. Politics or other factors wrongly interpreted as politics enter in at this middle level.
I believe that most coaches - high school and travel - want to win. I tell parents that the very best players will always play and coaches identify them easily. If your daughter is anywhere in the middle. The coaches may or may not see her as a key player and she may or may not get the time you believe she deserves. Politics or other factors wrongly interpreted as politics enter in at this middle level.

I think this is something that often gets overlooked....IF there are three or four girls that are obviously the best they will play, then there are the girls in the middle, then there are the bottom few that are happy just to be there. The problem is if all things are equal (or about equal) and one DD is average or just above average the fact that their parents fund raise huge amounts for the booster club and they are on the coaches travel team may just be the reason they start and your DD is a quality sub. It might not be fair but it is reality.

Now for the really big problem there are 10 parents who think their DD is one of those top 4.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Now for the really big problem there are 10 parents who think their DD is one of those top 4.

That is true. Or more often (and I have been there) -"Why not play my daughter, she could mess up as much as so and so (whenever so and so makes a mistake) who is the coaches pick". It makes it tough when the player who is playing ahead of our daughter makes a mistake or struggles at the plate and then we remember our kids best performances in circle or at bat when they were given a chance. Hey pull them out and give my kid a chance.

Of course if our kid is the one playing and flubs up and the coach pulls them then we wonder why he/she doesn't give them a chance and they have to much pressure on them.
Jul 26, 2010
I think that I can summarize this thread best by stating the following:

- All high school coaches are idiots
- All high school player parents are insane and prone to replacing reality with their own version
- All high school players are ace pitchers capable of throwing back to back no hitters and hitting in the 4 slot every game, even if they are a catcher.
- All high school AD's are corrupt bureaucrats training for their future job as US senators where they will replace their morality with bribes at will


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