13 YO DD hitting video

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Oct 25, 2009
Looking much better.

Main problem I see in these swings (besides hitting short to the net/fence) is she is pulling off of the ball. The lower tee exposes it more but it's there throughout. She is also leaning her top half way too far back on finish. She should still be stacked, not bending backwards. See Pujols' swing.

The coil looks better. I would exaggerate the coil some in practice. It's a good idea to sometimes have her practice extremes in any fundamental so she can get the feeling of what it's like. Have her try a longer stride some.

See the thread "Hitting off the end of the bat pics" post #12 on here for working on the pulling off the ball issue.

The tee, by the way, is in the right position, just inside the front foot. Not too far out front.
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I personally like the tee just outside the front foot. Having the tee too deep can lead to over turning the shoulders to make good contact. I see too many swings where the ball gets too deep....hits come from hitting the ball out in front regardless of location.
Nov 1, 2008
so we should concentrate on outside pitches or outside tee placement? will this keep the shoulders from pulling off the ball in most situations?
Oct 25, 2009
so we should concentrate on outside pitches or outside tee placement? will this keep the shoulders from pulling off the ball in most situations?

Concentrating on outside tee/pitches will help with the feeling of the shoulder staying in; as long as the stride is still neutral. Not stepping in towards the outside pitch, IOW.

Did you try what I posted about swinging with the top hand while the bottom hand holds onto something across the plate? She will need to know what keeping the shoulder from flying open feels like in order to focus on keeping it in.

Now, the shoulder is going to open some; but you want most of the movement towards the pitch, not spinning away from it.
Oct 25, 2009
OK, great news, alabama. Now, think about this some. This is going to kill a number of birds with one stone.

The main goal is to have her driving through the zone without pulling off. This (I'll get to it.) will help that. The coil/load is going to take conscientious effort to form a habit. I suggest touching the lead instep to the back knee. The lead knee should cross over the back knee. What you're doing is showing the front hip pocket to the pitcher (coiling). Now hold that coil all the way to toe touch. At toe touch the bat should still be back at launch position ("hands on the shelf") ready to fire.

All of that is necessary but what I really wanted to tell you is get a couple of the 2-pound balls from Walmart. They are purple in color and about the size of a softball. I believe they are the same as the TCB balls. But you get two in a pack for $9.77 here.

I've been trying them since Thursday with small batters, HS age, grown men, power hitters. I've been front tossing them from about 20 feet. Some fast, mostly medium speed. The feedback I got was the only shock to their hands or arms was when I threw fast inside. Even the grown male power hitter was unable to hit them hard enough back at me to be of any danger.

It will keep her from pulling off because if she pulls off the ball goes NOWHERE. She will adjust. Hitting the balls are addictive, very addictive. They don't want to stop.

I went back and bought two more but two is actually sufficient because most of the hits come back near the pitcher when they are hit right.

I would be very surprised if they are too heavy for your DD. She looks pretty strong. As strong as the kids I pitched to.
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Nov 1, 2008
We didn't do anything yesterday, but i'm sure she'll want to today. I'll run by walmart and get a couple of those balls. Which section are they in? weighlifting or ball?
Oct 25, 2009
We didn't do anything yesterday, but i'm sure she'll want to today. I'll run by walmart and get a couple of those balls. Which section are they in? weighlifting or ball?

They're in weightlifting. They also carry a baseball sized one but none of the stores around here have it so I couldn't find one to try.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Softballphreak ... regarding the Total Control Batting ball knockoffs ...
those 2-pound purple balls, about the size of a softball, that come two in a package for about $9.77 ... that you purchased in the weightlifting department of Walmart ... ... ... do you know the exact name on the label of the package, and what the intended purpose of the balls where?
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Softballphreak ... does it look anything like this 2-lb fitness ball?


Walmart sells these below in a package of two ... do these look similar?

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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Softballphreak, the literature on the TCB website states that the purpose of these balls is for “hitters to develop strength and extension through the hitting zone”.

A typical softball weighs 6.5oz. At 2-lbs, the TCB ball weighs almost 5x that of a normal softball.

I wonder about the notion of using these balls to “develop strength and extension”. To me anyway, extension is a ‘result’ of good upstream mechanics, and not a late ‘push’ through & beyond contact that needs to be muscled. What is one trying to "strengthen" here ... is it the arms?

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