"Tip it and rip it"

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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR

I know I'm doing nothing like Bonds does...that's where my question comes from...

My point is, I cannot effectively hit like the drill Doug posted TNR 1 - YouTube - the tip is in front of the body or like Bonds does. Lots of hitters do that frontal pivot/tip but I cannot hit the ball for beans from that spot (you describe it perfectly IMO - tip to the opposite field).

My question is simply from a mechanical efficiency standpoint: is tipping it like Bonds more efficient or more power producing? If so, why?


The tipping action (performed correctly) leads to increased segmentation, and hence adds to force production. It also leads to increased adjustability.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
I say yes because it gives the barrel a running start..Josh Hamilton tips also. Puljos has a slight tip. Chipper Jones. Many MLB players tip. I like it with kids because it almost FORCES THEM TO FEEL THE BARREL TURNING. What is it that YOU are trying to accomplish? My views may not reflect all on here obviously, I am a big tip n rip guy! I see so much good in it!

My confusion is with the sticky thread of High Level Model swings in the Model Swings thread. I see VERY FEW girls tipping and i see a lot of those girl with the bat on the shoulder and behind the head? I also see a lot of neck slot hand sets in those swing as well. FiveFrameSwing posted the majority of those swings maybe he can weigh in on why there isnt much tipping in the NCAA D1 swings...Reaction time maybe? Im really not understanding the neck slot hand sets at that level?

Your observation is correct ...... there is not a lot of opposite field bat tipping in FP.

Big German!

Mar 3, 2014
How does tip n rip segment/divide the swing into parts? I have never heard it put that way. Not arguing just looking for some clarity!

How does segmentation lead to more force? I dont know how it would increase adjustabilty unless you mean it forces the front foot down early? Am i off on this?
Jan 7, 2014
Western New York
You had me at adjustability :)

Can you expand a bit on the segmentation? I actually can feel the force production increase (in spite of my ineptness to perform this move effectively with a ball on a tee) but quite possibly I'm missing something in the segmenting my swing correctly to actually see results? This is why I posted my swing...what am I missing here?


Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
How does tip n rip segment/divide the swing into parts? I have never heard it put that way. Not arguing just looking for some clarity!

It's covered in Donny Buster's Presentation .....

Donny Buster's Presentation

How does segmentation lead to more force? I dont know how it would increase adjustabilty unless you mean it forces the front foot down early? Am i off on this?

Yeager covers this in his primary DVD ... stating that such segmentation is the second biggest force producer in the elite level swing.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
FFS we agree then.

But do you have a theory as to why. Thats the big question for me. Why?

One reason is that many FP coaches remove it when they see it. For many it is foreign to them. Others seem to believe it has a place in baseball, but not in FP where they believe tipping oppo makes dealing with rise-balls a bit more difficult.


A real searcher
May 27, 2012
Doug, et al...

Can someone tell me the mechanical advantage to tipping towards the pitcher, in front of my body vs. tipping the barrel behind my head?

I gotta tell you...I've tried the Bonds swing a few times over the years and found it more awkward than kissing my cousin. If it is mechanically superior, then I'm willing to try and learn it so I can teach it.

This is what my normal swing looks like from last night in slow motion:


I look forward to some positive input...CP
Chris, your tip is way too early. Your video looks like a matrix type of swing. That won't work because you won't feel the proper resistance at the right time. Let the "tip" happen during the move-out. Start your hands lower(below the armpit) and allow them to rise during the move-out(not before) Let your body dictate when it occurs. When your body loads the barrel should tip a little. When your hips start to rotate you should tip it a little more. It's counterintuitive to what most think of in the swing. Don't let your hands stall once they start. If you feel your hands stall even for a split second you probably launched them too soon. It's gonna be uncomfortable for a while until you begin to embrace it. Good Luck
Oct 10, 2011
One reason is that many FP coaches remove it when they see it. For many it is foreign to them. Others seem to believe it has a place in baseball, but not in FP where they believe tipping oppo makes dealing with rise-balls a bit more difficult.
It's tiresome dealing with these coaches...I'm throwing in the towel on this one. DD's HS AC was a Gold coach on one of the top teams in the country and he hates it, her current TB coach hates it and argues about it, etc... Even my DW agrees with them LOL. They don't care that major schools and people that have reviewed her video like it, she's not playing for them. I'm going to step back at this point and let her decide who she wants to work with. Man, maybe we should have stuck with Travel volleyball. At least they had clean bathrooms!

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