2013 ASA council meeting

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Jul 26, 2010
This just isn't true. It has been a proposed change for some level of 14U at one level or another for at least the past three years.

There have been numerous reasons I recall being given, but I think most folks do not agree with the association of this level of player routinely plays HS ball since many 14U players are 11-13 yo

You're right, it is "proposed". It has never gone far enough to actually be voted upon. I'm honestly in the dark as to what happens between the regional commissioners and how and what gets brought up officially to be voted upon, you know a lot more then I do.

Most of us only have so much bandwidth. We express our concerns and goals, push a bit, and then move on. At the end of the day my time is better spent just playing USSSA then having to deal with it.

Jul 28, 2008
Every year this comes up, and it's yet to even be formally proposed at the ASA meeting. My suggestion is that if you actually want this to happen, start lobbying your regional commissioners now.


I, personally, do not want it to move to 43'. I have always been in the camp that 14U in all the alphabet soups should be at 40' and was glad ASA and Premier stayed put. NSA also stayed at 40' in my area for the 14's. I would like to know before my DD starts her late fall pitching clinic so that we can plan accordingly.


Jun 22, 2008
You're right, it is "proposed". It has never gone far enough to actually be voted upon. I'm honestly in the dark as to what happens between the regional commissioners and how and what gets brought up officially to be voted upon, you know a lot more then I do.

Yet, you continue. To start, there is no such thing as a "regional commissioner". (I should qualify that there may be a "regional" commissioner within the state/metro, but they do not have a vote as a general council member. Those individuals may, however, have a vote under another title) There are a few hundred potential votes and about a total of 72 (?) commissioners (all state/metro). Then there are a load of player reps and "at-large" reps (based upon registration), allied and affiliated member, at-large athletes (usually members of Team USA), Regional directors, commissioners emeritus, 15 regional umpires and 15 regional JO commissioners. Like I said, at least, hundred people, not a handful of people in a closed meeting. And ASA committee meetings are open, anyone can register and attend. Each proposed rule and code is discussed by multiple committees, all of which vote to accept or decline. It does happen that a committee will discuss and decline due to a lack of motion to bring to a vote. Each committee submits the results of their committee, a consensus is compiled, presented to the General Council where ANY member can put a hold on a proposal and force discussion and vote of the full council.

I can guarantee this proposed rule change was discussed and voted upon by at least six committees and possibly two other committees before being presented to the general council.

If memory serves me correctly, the argument was exactly what I offered before. They were looking to draw the line somewhere and as far as they were concerned, most of these kids are not playing HS ball.

However, I have little doubt this should pass this year. Now the question is going to be for A, B or both.
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Personally I wish they would go 43' for 14U. Our Middle Schoolers (here in TN) went 43' and even half of the 7th graders are still 12U. IMO the change was simple (we can use the HS field without a second plate) and the girls have had minimal problems adjusting.
That is why we have played USSSA ball almost exclusively since then.
Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
DGD's team played an ASA A level tournament this weekend in upper state SC. Thankfully the tournament director changed the pitching distance to 43' for 14u and above. DGD is a very strong 13yo with good swing mechanics and was seeing and hitting the ball really well this weekend. One at bat, as soon as she hit the ball, the umpire called time. She had hit a screamer back to the pitcher which hit her in the stomach and she immediately bent over and fell to the ground. She literally didn't even have time to react and protect herself. Thankfully, after about ten minutes she was alright, although if it was my daughter, I would have taken her to the emergency room to make sure she did not have any internal injuries. I can't imagine what damage would have been done from 40' feet or it had hit her in the head, even with a mask.

Girls in this age group are at different levels of maturity of their bodies. Some are further advanced than others and some have had a growth spurt and do not have complete control of their bodies yet. Some girls are more athletic than others.

It seems to me ASA is keeping the distance to 40' to help develop those that have not "grown" yet and thinking that distance is what they are using for this age group in school. For me, give me the safety aspect first and let the girls develop at the 43' distance.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
MS moving the pitching plate distance seems like you start chasing your tail a little bit.

10YO DD moved to 12U, 1 of the reasons was she would be ready for MS. So she moved to 40’/12” ball a year early. Most the new MS players went from 35’/11” to 40’/12” in a couple weeks.

The ages for MS should be about 11 – 13. We live in a large area so most schools have 2 Teams, 11 -12 and 12 – 13. I think having 2 distances at MS would cause some schools a problem.

I understand the 14U 43’ issue but I am not sure pushing the Issue down to MS level is the right answer.

I would guess 80 – 90% of the MS players will not play in HS.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
I understand the 14U 43’ issue but I am not sure pushing the Issue down to MS level is the right answer.

I would guess 80 – 90% of the MS players will not play in HS.

We're in TN also, MS moved to 43' in 2010. That's for both teams and it was a positive adjustment for the game. Fireball pitchers parents hated it cause their DD got rocked, skilled movement pitchers did well.

Now that we've had a few years of 43' under our belt, it's really a plus from the circle's view.
Jan 24, 2011
I am in Tennessee as well. The move to 43' in MS happened a couple of years ago. There seem to be no problems and it prepares these 7th/8th graders for the HS distance
I don't know what the average would be (nation-wide) for MSers going on to play in HS. I do know that last year 7 of 9 made the HS team from our MS program. In the years before that it was 5 of 5, 3 of 6, and 7 of 8. Not all of them have stayed with it for various reasons. However, everyone on the Varsity and JV rosters played ball at the MS level. From what I have seen, most of the HS programs are like ours: one or two MS programs as feeders. Where there are more than two feeder MSs I would understand a much lower average.
As for the distances, the local rec league (Little League) goes to 40', 12 " ball at age 10. Usually over half of the 7th graders are still 12U eligible, and all the 7th and 8th graders are eligible for 14U. Of those 7 freshmen that made the team this year, ALL of them were playing 14U ball during the summer.
Personally I would prefer that 12U be at 43 feet. But that is a whole 'nother discussion.
Jan 20, 2010
Guys.....its 3 feet - 36 inches....... thats it. HS ball plays there, college ball plays there. And additionally from what i have seen come June 1 when HS ball is done all the HS players are back on the 14U teams. This always comes down to pitchers. Three feet is not going to kill pitching for your DD. Will she need movement yes, location yes.....but guess what she will need that at HS and college level too. Speed is not everything.

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