Showcase camps are they worth it?

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Apr 17, 2019
Just like the title says, are the showcase camps worth it or is it better to go to individual college camps that they put on?
Aug 20, 2017
Depends on cost. They are making money but they are absolutely recruiting, evaluating, and building relationships. Get in front of the coaches you want to play for as much as possible and good things will happen. If they are working the camp and it’s not too pricy I would do it. Coaches want players that want to play for them. They know they will come in and work hard. It makes a difference in recruiting.
Jun 21, 2019
It depends on several factors. Cost is one. Are the coaches teaching? Even if they aren't actively recruiting, are they taking the time to teach the players?

I've seen a few camps where 90% of the coaches stood around and weren't engaged. My suggestion is to search for people who have gone to a specific camp in the past and get feedback.
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
Lots of factors good and bad, only you can decide if they're good / right for you and your DD!

We've been to some great ones, and just as many sorry ones that were a waste of time and money. It's all about the right coaches that attend, and whether or not they're interested in any hands on involvement in teaching? @WPACoach is exactly right about some (or all) of the coaches standing around in a circle just BSing with each other while there's some great softball being played behind them! Out of the blue some girl will get in the box taking front toss and their bat just sounds different and it'll turn those coaches around and pique their interest....a little!

If you and your DD have never been to one, just go, but go to one that has the coach for a college you guys are interested in and get your DD in front of her, make that coach remember her. Trust me, you'll learn things....good and bad, but it'll help you make decisions moving forward!
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Jun 8, 2016
Out of the blue some girl with get in the box taking front toss and their bat just sounds different and it'll turn those coaches around and pique their interest....a little!
In 2023 those types of kids typically aren't unknown anyway.....
May 16, 2016
It is unlikely you will be "Discovered" by Alabama, or any other P5 program at one of these camps. But, if you are looking for a program at a lesser D1, D2 or D3, then yes, you can get some meaningful exposure at one of these camps.
Jul 29, 2013
North Carolina
The absolute best exposure I’ve ever personally seen….Bryan Pack of USC Upstate puts on a showcase tournament in the little podunk town of Walterboro, SC.

He invites 15, 20, etc D1, D2, and D3 coaches (not really sure just how many coaches?). The college coaches would actually coach the games and the actual team coaches would step aside. Each team would have 2 to 3 coaches, so the possibility of 6 coaches on the field during your teams game.

It can be stressful but I remember the exact game that got my DD recruited in that little town!
Jun 8, 2016
If you want to have your DD do one to get her used to a camp atmosphere that might be a good idea. That said, I think if you are looking to optimize your cash flow your money would be better spent concentrating on going to camps at the schools your DD is interesting in going to...

Now the only caveat to this is if your kid is looking mainly to go to schools that are plane ride(s) away in which case maybe a combination of these showcase camps (with coaches from schools she is interested in) and a few individual school camps once you have narrowed down the list might be the best bet. In either case (showcase or college camps) , being in communication with the coaches that are attending is very important.

I have a feeling my DD's list of schools is going to include many on the East/West coasts (we are in OK) so these showcase camps at tournaments like Sparkler, which she would be going to anyway, might be worth it for us. There is no way we could afford to send her to 10 camps on the East/West coasts...She is only in 7th grade so we are a year or two away from that although we might have her do one next summer (between her 8th and 9th grade year) if she wants to (but only if she does...) just to get her used to a camp atmosphere.

Just my opinion of course and I haven't gone through recruiting yet so take it with a grain of salt.
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Apr 17, 2019
Second question, how intense are the camps at showcases for pitchers. I don’t want to send my kid to a 3 hour pitching camp where she throws 300 pitches before a tournament.

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