Camps for an 8th grader?

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Jun 8, 2016
What team is this? Would like to avoid playing them. (you can give initials or vague hints if you don't feel like saying)
1927 NYY (is that too vague?) ;)

She's a 2010 so I don't think you guys would have the good fortune of playing her main team unless they play up.
May 21, 2018
1927 NYY (is that too vague?) ;)

She's a 2010 so I don't think you guys would have the good fortune of playing her main team..
Ahh yes who could forget Waite Hoyt and Herb Pen.....something. Urban Shocker is one of the great names of all time.
Jun 8, 2016
Ahh yes who could forget Waite Hoyt and Herb Pen.....something. Urban Shocker is one of the great names of all time.
My DD plays MS ball with and against mostly 2010's..unfortunately none of them throw mid 60's or hit 250 ft bombs and hence I end up watching games from the parking lot.
May 17, 2023
Yesterday I watched the MS game from my car parked in the lot behind the RF fence but that will do..(In this case I mainly didn't want to pay 5 bucks to watch a MS game..)

I have confidence in Drop though..he is going to come through for me.

That and MS softball is the worst........and sadly where I'll be spending the majority of next two weeks.
May 17, 2023
What team is this? Would like to avoid playing them. (you can give initials or vague hints if you don't feel like saying)

It was 2010 Bandits Premier Mrozek last year not sure if same name this year.

She is all over Twitter about accomplishments so don't think giving too much away here.
Jun 8, 2016
That and MS softball is the worst........and sadly where I'll be spending the majority of next two weeks.
It’s a huge waste of time and this year there is drama on the team so she isn’t even having fun. Thankfully they only have a few more games.
May 17, 2023
It’s a huge waste of time and this year there is drama on the team so she isn’t even having fun. Thankfully they only have a few more games.

Ours is actually pretty decent team for MS but other teams are just awful. The amount of groundball triples just amazes me?
Jun 8, 2016
My DD was excited to hold her hand during prayer circle after we beat them. Didn’t get an autograph.
You are a hoot. You ignored my comment for four days only to come back to it so you could brag..
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