Homemade hitting aide

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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Heard this idea posted before but seen it being used this weekend at a tourney.I'm more of a visual kind of person.What this team had was a clip(I seen them on the ends of dog leashes)not sure what it is called.Clipped one end to the chain link fence.They used a plastic coated rope I believed about 10 feet long or longer.Threaded through the rope was 12 yellow softball wiffle balls.The other end of the rope they had a plastic handle made out of PVC which they attach the rope too. One end clipped to fence the other handle end held by coach.Each girl stepped up to bat slide 1 ball up aways took her batting stance and took a swing.Instant feed back if the ball was hit correctly.If the ball slide to or near the end good swing if the rope or ball bounced up and down or hardly moved not so good of a swing.I will be making one of these.
Oct 25, 2009
I've made a few zip lines that connects each end to a fence or other object. You tighten it by having a come-along at one end. Very good for beginning batters and also for slappers.

Have a can of WD-40 or something similar handy. Otherwise the balls will start to bind. Also, when you make your own, be sure to think ahead about replacing the balls. They wear down pretty quickly if used for a team.
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Aug 4, 2008
Made something like this back in the early 90's. Yes on the WD-40 to keep them slidding. Used Hitting machine balls that I drilled holes thru, since whiffles didn't last long. Only issue I have with this type of device is it forces you to swing level to hit the ball hard. Not a good thing to do.
Oct 25, 2009
Made something like this back in the early 90's. Yes on the WD-40 to keep them slidding. Used Hitting machine balls that I drilled holes thru, since whiffles didn't last long. Only issue I have with this type of device is it forces you to swing level to hit the ball hard. Not a good thing to do.

Yep, I agree with the teaches a level swing. Didn't know level swing was bad back then. Still good slapping though; especially having the slapper run down the cable.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Swinging level was my after thought after I posted this.I was thinking of changing the angles to reflec the different pitches my DD might see.Having the person (me) holding the handle lower it so it would allow the player to hit on a slight upward angle.Does this sound like it will work better for the batter?
Oct 25, 2009
Remember, it's just a tool. What purpose you use it for will determine how effective it is. Getting in swings, see a ball coming in, and making it fun is important. You're not going to create bad swings unless it's overused the wrong way.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
Just my 2 cents I had a dad that wanted to incorporate this into my practice. I didn't know what it was so I said bring it beforehand and let me see. I tried hitting off of it. I do not like it at all. Yes the main reason is the level swing. It seems pretty clunky and awkward, and the timing is way too strange with the one I used.
Sep 29, 2010
Just hold the pitchers end up higher than the end clipped to the fence. Problem solved. Use it all the time and I adjust for a slight upward angle to represent a typical ball path.

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