Who would you prefer to teach you DD, to pitch, C Thomas or J Taylor?

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Jul 14, 2008
Here we go again..........

You know Don Proctor, and he taught me something about pitching I will never forget. It took him 1 minute and the lesson was over and I was on my way across the country beating some of the best teams and players ever. Nobody from our home town knows what I did in my travels, but me. You do know where I am coming from, but not where I've been.

Why is almost EVERY post you make laden with braggadocious information about YOU, YOURSELF AND YOU........

Nobody said they would have Hal or BM or me

I don't remember that part of the original question.........Is that a question you wanted to ask?........"Who would you rather have teach your kid to pitch, Hal, Boardmember or Mr. X?"..........If it is........Why don't you just ask it?

I already told you I can't stand Jordan Taylor's mechanics........Why do you keep bringing her up as a model to compare anyone to?........Is that your way of manipulating the answer toward someone you endorse?..........Neither are PC's regardless.......

X pitcher

Apr 5, 2013
Micco Fl.
BM I talking to someone who wanted to know where PC was coming from...I didn't call you a guru,or was I talking about you, when I mentioned guru. Taylor is the a sight for sore eyes. Everybody knows who the best pitching coaches in the FP world are. I am not a pitching coach, but I did show my DD how to throw underhand. I'm not in the race for PC of the year.
The question had nothing to do with Hal, BM, and X being choices to pick from. I did read where JT planned on teaching pitching one day. I hope not. What Don Proctor showed me is something that would benefit all peel drop pitchers. It is a grip, and I was willing to share it with everyone here. When I figure out how to get it here everyone will be able to see it if they want. Some have viewed it at my FB site. I believe you have too, but you already knew the grip or don't understand it or WHATEVER!!!
BM from now on if I see a post by you I will just agree or disagree without a comment. OK?
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Apr 24, 2012
We should do a drinking game...you have to do 1 shot if xpitcher posts C. Thomas, a chug of beer when he drops Gillis or hillhouse name. That should at least make thing interesting with his posts.

Back to the OP I would take BM as my DD's PC.

X pitcher

Apr 5, 2013
Micco Fl.
#43, Do you get the BH monthly newsletter? Chug a beer but don't fall off your bucket. Why do you sit on a bucket?. Do you count pass balls and wild pitches separately? Are my posts and comments too easy for you to understand? Did you know Gillis is CT's pitching coach?
Why would you TAKE BM, as your DD's PC over DG or BH? I did buy the 1st 2 BH CDs. And I am in no way associated to him. Have you fell off your bucket yet? You start a Thread, or ask an interesting question. I don't mind being ganged up on, either. Stun me. I don't drink so have fun with who ever you can get to play your game. Pong is a good way, to put the ball, in play, against fastballs.
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Jan 4, 2012
We should do a drinking game...you have to do 1 shot if xpitcher posts C. Thomas, a chug of beer when he drops Gillis or hillhouse name. That should at least make thing interesting with his posts.

Back to the OP I would take BM as my DD's PC.

Might not be a bad idea...the drinking... then maybe some would have the liquid courage to go out in the backyard and try the pitches their self. That will be a big problem for those who tried to have there DD just pitch. Mine has always been my catcher first, has nothing to do with the fastpitch game or her little teams.... Its the old Daddy knows (shows) Best. I mirror her pitch with my return throw backs, underhand, while setting on a 3.5 gallon bucket, or the little chair. We learned to through underhand together...from the beginning... pitch for pitch. This being my MO. When the X grip hit the board, under the heading of finger pressure....I had DD hold the ball against my lap top screen, until she said she had it... the 4 seam...2 min. went out back, she threw it... and laughed....Next pitch she did a complete different follow thru... I guess I'll call it the joy jump.... she couldn't wait to see where it went, and if it would do it again.....It was even better. I said hold on.... instead of me calling her to me, I jogged out to her and showed her the 2 seam...not going to say, what it did, because X hasn't released it on here...its not public domain yet.... she threw it again... did same thing.... I got up and asked her the big question...."Are we ready to shoot this ?" got the best Yes from her ever. 6min. We came back in and worked on how we were going to shoot it....location,props, wordrobe, and this time we needed a catcher.

Now the problem is, this wasn't the first epiphany...we had been down this road before. When I finally got it thru my thick head... I have and read... re-read, and even have DD read Hals book to me. Same MO. with Hal's "Flat Finger Knuckle Ball". Went to the sticky (could have used the book pic, but wanted her to see the relevance of my computer & DFP) she got the grip... but she started tossing it up in the air... 2 times, then explained to me why it was going to work... 30 sec. She loves to watch her own pitch... we never know where it is going to end up. It is HER CU, nothing to do with speed, just change. I can't believe Hal dropped the immediately from his signature. Also nothing to do with softball, but DD is an awesome reader... levels above her requirements. She has the pleasure of Having access to an author... Not just the bookfair lady who showed up at school to sign her children's book like all the rest in her class... Hal is HER friend ! PRICELESS....The Rise is going to be her winning science project... I know this because to win at school, the results must be inconclusive.... lol Thx to everyone who comments about the Rise... we have tons of research... lol

Now....BM ??? I'll keep it short, he never understands me. DD got K'ed swinging this weekend. I can see IR a mile away....trying to warn the coach....He's not getting it. He's in a daze from the no hitter we suffered. He will never be able to get it into batting practice this year... :{(( I'm trying to get him to read the sticky....(I will tell you, that she only got DD because she went 3 CU in a row) I think DD just knows to much about pitching....the last one I think was just a vote to say... thats the best CU in the world...haha trying to laugh...

The question is who is going to come to you.... with a almost daily dose of updated pitching? This game is changing faster than ALL the rest...daily !!!

Disclaimer.... I only claim that I am only getting about 70% of what each have taught....sure I'm probably missing a couple of the main fundamentals.... if they all had 3 lessons with "my DD", I'm willing to bet she would be a world beater.
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Jan 4, 2012
#43, Do you get the BH monthly newsletter? Chug a beer but don't fall off your bucket. Why do you sit on a bucket?. Do you count pass balls and wild pitches separately? Are my posts and comments too easy for you to understand? Did you know Gillis is CT's pitching coach?
Why would you TAKE BM, as your DD's PC over DG or BH? I did buy the 1st 2 BH CDs. And I am in no way associated to him. Have you fell off your bucket yet? You start a Thread, or ask an interesting question. I don't mind being ganged up on, either. Stun me. I don't drink so have fun with who ever you can get to play your game. Pong is a good way, to put the ball, in play, against fastballs.

Like the reference to the post # instead of the profile name, or a abbreviation of it. Shows class thanking the opposition, too !!

Were you talking about Ping Pong? Thats one of my games of choice... the other is horse shoes. Both help DD's perceptions... :{))
Jul 14, 2008
BM am not a pitching coach, but I did show my DD how to throw underhand.

Well there you go! And just how far did that take her in the game with "your style" of absolutes?

The question had nothing to do with Hal, BM, and X being choices to pick from.

Then why did you comment that you noticed no on picked on of us?

What Don Proctor showed me is something that would benefit all peel drop pitchers.

So friggen what?? Rich Balswick showed me something that would benefit all peel drop pitchers too! Big whoop.......

The difference is I've spent 25 years teaching it to others.........

It is a grip, and I was willing to share it with everyone here.

Share it? NO NO NO NO........You came here and attempted to qualify yourself to people so they would listen to you........Then you tried to shove it down people throat as if it was gospel........WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT?

Now if you came here and said: "Hi.......I'm new here......And I used to pitch at a pretty high level.......And I thought I would share the drop grip I used back in the 60's in mens fastpitch. Try it, you may like it and you may not, but I think it's worth a try........" You're overall reception might've been different........

When I figure out how to get it here everyone will be able to see it if they want. Some have viewed it at my FB site. I believe you have too, but you already knew the grip or don't understand it or WHATEVER!!!
BM from now on if I see a post by you I will just agree or disagree without a comment. OK?

I never went to your FB page......I have no reason to.........I simply saw PC's rendition of your grip and your reply "You Got It"........

And yes, I've seen the grip before........And as I said, I don't like it........I like the grip Rich Balswick taught me 25 years ago........That was successful for me and has been successful for all my students........Rec through D1.......

4 seam Peel........2 fingers over the laces (for men and older girls with BIG hands, otherwise 3 fingers).........Thumb under the lace.......So as not to restrict spin at release.........Thumb off first........Hell I even used/taught a "split finger drop", whereby I'd split my index and middle finger as far apart as possible. This grip created a tremendous amount of spin and was off speed because those 2 fingers were split SO FAR apart the ball came out (slipped) between the 2 fingers vs. in front of them.........

So on the point of drop grip........We'll agree to disagree.........As far as arm swing vs. none........When one of your models wins a WCWS........Or an Olympic Gold metal.......Or an NPF title.......Or SOMETHING more important then a rec league all star game........We'll talk........

Until then........Its JUST ANOTHER WAY TO PITCH..........

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