PUSH the BAT or PULL the BAT

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Oct 14, 2008
Why is this young lady so far away from the plate. She has to fully extend her arms to hit a low middle/in pitch. This is not a sound setup IMO, unless she guessed she was going to get jammed.

Len Knowing who this woman is, one of 2 things more than likely happened. Number 1 she was tired of being busted on the hands. 2nd probably closer is she was baiting the pitcher. Look where the catcher was trying to set up and then caught the ball. That pitch was probably ment to be a little further on the out side corner.



Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009

top hand throwing past bottom...left field shot.

Dec 19, 2012
Len Knowing who this woman is, one of 2 things more than likely happened. Number 1 she was tired of being busted on the hands. 2nd probably closer is she was baiting the pitcher. Look where the catcher was trying to set up and then caught the ball. That pitch was probably ment to be a little further on the out side corner.


Hi Tim
That's why I stated in my first post "Why is this young lady so far away from the plate. She has to fully extend her arms to hit a low middle/in pitch. This is not a sound setup IMO, unless she guessed she was going to get jammed."
Sep 17, 2009
Lenski, just clicked on your YouTube sig, my older DD was a lefty catcher, always love to see that : >

Best of luck to her.
Dec 19, 2012
Nice try, this is a fastpitch website not slow pitch. Go to softballfans.com for mens slowpitch. I will not hijack this thread. You, doc, or jb can explain the physics and muscles/bones how to hit a 12inch ball coming down on a arc 10-15 feet in the air going at about 10-15mph from 50 feet away from the plate. Compare that to fastpitch ball coming 2-5 feet of the ground from 43 feet.

You would be talking about fastpitch if you were doing a comparison. It's okay though, spew out of your mouth and back it up with nothing.
May 16, 2010
They need to connect with a pull back/scap. More info u know where to go. If not lurkers pm me.

I don't need to go anywhere. Yeah, the back scap is retracted initially. That has nothing to do with what makes the hands go forward.
May 16, 2010
Nice try, this is a fastpitch website not slow pitch. Go to softballfans.com for mens slowpitch. I will not hijack this thread. You, doc, or jb can explain the physics and muscles/bones how to hit a 12inch ball coming down on a arc 10-15 feet in the air going at about 10-15mph from 50 feet away from the plate. Compare that to fastpitch ball coming 2-5 feet of the ground from 43 feet.

You just don't get it, if you think what I describe or Doc describes is even remotely like hitting slo-pitch. I just think you are funny. You absolutely do not comprehend a thing I say, yet you say I'm wrong all the time. You say stuff that defies physics and bio-mechanics, yet you think I'M wrong. Cracks me up.


Nov 17, 2012
Actually, I'm not a Lau follower. I've never read his books nor seen any videos, but what he says here is correct. Think what you want RHC, but I'm not putting down MLB players. What I said is a true statement. The majority are listening to what other people say they are doing and they take it as gospel. They're not hitting theorists....they're ball players. I would have given anything to be an MLB player but I just didn't have it like them. Anyway, this is what I expected going against the status quo on here. Keep driving the bat down with the top hand RHC. Keep spouting garbage about initiating the shorter lever in the swing and how much more powerful it is. Keep thinking that certain MLB players, past and present, fully understood and were able to put into words what they actually do. Keep posting funny faces and chess pieces, it really doesn't bother me. Whenever I see you post your useless dribble, I will be here to post to the contrary. Whenever you post something useful I will give you your kudos. Happy Holidays RHC, we're going to have a fun time together.


Have you seen the video of Braun showing the hammering down with the top hand demo? where he just takes his top hand and turns the top hand palm up as he takes the hand down? If so, I have something I hope you would try. Stand up and do exactly what he is doing. No shoulder movement, no leg movement. Just keep doing it up and down. Now while doing it up and down, add in the shoulder tilt and the legs. What happens? If you do it correctly you should end up with a pretty good looking swing.

There is a reason they practice what they practice.

You talk about going against the status quo. I will really go against the status quo on my next statement. In fact I will get chastised by just about everyone on all forums. Here it goes. One of the biggest things that is screwing up young kids swings is slow motion video. Reason is, we can actually see what is happening in the swing. Instead of what we think is happening. MLB players and elite hitters practice hitting down on the ball. Staying on top of the ball. Creating as short and as quick of a swing as possible. That practice has created the greatest swings ever.

Now we can see that they aren't really doing what they think they are doing. So what do we non players try to teach? We try to teach what we see in slow motion. Now we get kids who have long loopy swings that attack from below the ball. I see it all the time.

The thing is, the pros keep working on what got them there and they continue to succeed. Why would you change what is successful?

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