PC had a talk with DD about wearing a mask in the circle....

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Nov 15, 2013
If no amount of fielding skills will help avoid getting hit in the face a mask is the least of their worries. They're going to get pummeled in the circle by every line drive and God help them if they play another position too.

The person is arguing against people who say not to wear a mask.

Are you one of those people who criticizes pitchers that wear a mask?
Nov 18, 2013
The argument was that no amount of training can help prevent a pitcher from being struck in the face. I’m not saying training alone will stop a girl from being hit, but it will certainly help. I’m all in favor of masks, but they’re a last resort and no substitute for learning how to field your position. If a girl can’t stop a sharply hit line drive they shouldn’t be in the circle or the infield. I don’t buy the idea that a pitcher can field her position perfectly and still get hit. I do agree there’s times a player will get hit no matter how skilled they are. Errors or even split second hesitations do occur though and it’s always possible. I just think it’s a personal decision and there are far more important things to worry about in softball. For starters, how in the heck does the DP/Flex rule really work?

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