Not all swings are the same

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Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Cool just say that from now on as to not disrupt my professor spidey sense since I know that
is of the upmost importance to you... ;)

Grrrr..come on @Work=wins do you really not get the idea that ALL SWINGS CONSERVE ENERGY.

I get it. But when delivering the ‘conserved energy’ into the ball, all swings do not conserve energy the same. That’s been the point the whole time. You are so busy worried about definitions that you are missing the point.

It would probably best suit you to look at the swing through this lens since you understand ‘physics’ so well. Stop looking at it from a speed aspect and look at it as conserving energy and delivering it to the ball the most efficient way. ?


on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
The biggest difference between pitching and hitting is that there is no timing aspect for a pitcher. The timing aspect in hitting is why you see so many different styles of hitting (no stride, leg kick, stride with no leg kick, etc). You don't really see that in pitching. Regardless of the style, most good hitters are in a similar position at launch. The stuff that goes on after launch is typically a result of what was done upstream. Concentrate on getting to a good position at launch and then launching the barrel properly and you will be 95% of the way there imo.
Understood, thank you for the reply. If it were off a tee or soft toss, the timing aspect goes away. If i have a great tee or soft toss hitter, and that doesn't translate to game time, then there are timing or reaction or hand eye coordination issues. I am just hoping to get a non timing related good swing and trying to figure out what 'a good position at launch' is. I would go to the models swings thread but there are just as many disagreements there. I like the sports science video on Miggy and will use him as my model, even though there are hip arguments against him.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali

If the goal is to deliver the most energy into the ball with the shortest time to contact, how do you think one should go about that?

Please factor in to your equation the constraints of the game as far as time, space and adjustability.

It’s not as simple as see it as long as possible and swing it as fast as you can. It can be at the lower levels. But doesn’t work quite so well as you ascend. But you know that.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2016
I get it. But when delivering the ‘conserved energy’ into the ball, all swings do not conserve energy the same. That’s been the point the whole time. You are so busy worried about definitions that you are missing the point.
I understand the point perfectly, just trying to make your delivery of it better..again you are welcome.
Jun 8, 2016

If the goal is to deliver the most energy into the ball with the shortest time to contact, how do you think one should go about that?
Swing like Miggy? :LOL: In all seriousness though, to me you move out (either stride or no stride doesn't matter) with your core to a balanced hitting/launch position which contains stretch and then try to launch explosively. The explosive part is a more practical definition (since you seem to be into that today) and definitely open to interpretation in how that is done, but that is what I see when I look at good hitters and is also what my feel was when I played. I doubt any hitter who is facing 95 is holding anything back at launch. I know you disagree with that and that is fine.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Swing like Miggy? :LOL: In all seriousness though, to me you move out (either stride or no stride doesn't matter) with your core to a balanced hitting/launch position which contains stretch and then try to launch explosively. The explosive part is a more practical definition (since you seem to be into that today) and definitely open to interpretation in how that is done, but that is what I see when I look at good hitters and is also what my feel was when I played. I doubt any hitter who is facing 95 is holding anything back at launch.

Ok good. Balanced position? Do you really see good pros launching the bat explosively? Of course in the practical sense. Or do see a conservation of energy and the barrel is being delivered with precision.

Surely Yelich can be more explosive right? Looks pretty smooth to me.

Nolan is pretty smooth as well. jmho.

Jun 8, 2016
Ok good. Balanced position? Do you really see good pros launching the bat explosively? Of course in the practical sense. Or do see a conservation of energy and the barrel is being delivered with precision.

Surely Yelich can be more explosive right? Looks pretty smooth to me.

Actually yes when I just concentrate on the launch it looks explosive. The movements up till launch are definitely smooth and under control but at the point he launches I see explosiveness. Move out balanced and under control and then BAM!! :)
Jun 8, 2016
I've said this to you this before I think. As athletes age do they forget how to swing the bat? No, the biggest issue is that they lose a bit of explosiveness.


"Ballplayers first notice it in the short, explosive moments. "To get to a 97 mph fastball that's up in the zone, you know you can get it there," 31-year-old veteran catcher Caleb Joseph says. "It just isn't as readily available anymore. When you're 22, it's always on. You're like, 'Do I need to get a lighter bat? Is this how it's gonna be?' "

He laughs, then pauses, deciding which kind of story he's telling. "I went down an inch this year. I'm still hitting .150."

Is it that he's not as strong? That his brain doesn't pick up the pitch as fast? It could be, but it could also be that the nervous system moves slightly slower as we age, says Corey Dawkins of Baseball Injury Consultants. Joseph could identify the pitch just as quickly, decide to swing just as confidently, swing just as powerfully as he ever did -- but the signal from brain to muscles takes a fraction of a microsecond longer to travel."
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Actually yes when I just concentrate on the launch it looks explosive. The movements up till launch are definitely smooth and under control but at the point he launches I see explosiveness. Move out balanced and under control and then BAM!! :)

You are ‘seeing’ the conservation of energy at its finest. No leaks. All the energy is filtered into the barrel and transferred into the ball. No need to be explosive. Just like when Steph hits 30ft. 3s with which seems like just a flick of the wrist. Use momentum and conserve until it’s needed. Not before.

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