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Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
(I assume some softball players were involved so valid post. :))

I am a Big10 fan, go Michigan State!

I can not believe how long this went on and how poorly it has been handled.

Now that he has been sentenced, Michigan State is starting to fire people? Olympic committee is disbanding their gymnastics board? Why weren't these things done a lone time ago? IMO, they really do not care despite all their talk on how horrendous it was.

I really hope if DD is uncomfortable with something she would let DW or me know.
Dec 11, 2010
Larry Nassar did assault at least one Spartan softball player. Megan Kelly interviewed her, she brought it to the attention of the school and they told her if she wanted to play, to be quiet about it because it was “treatment”.

Megyn Kelly also interviewed a gymnast who was assaulted by Larry Nassar. She went directly to the head gymnastics coach. The head gymnastics coach told her she was lying. She then summoned all of the other gymnasts to the room and tried to shame her for making the accusation. Another gymnast said “he did it to me too”. The head gymnastics coach threatened to run them out of the sport if they didn’t keep quiet. The school administration is now stating that these young girls did not report the abuse to a high enough level.

In at least one other case the gymnast reported abuse to her parents and they didn’t believe her. How awful would that be. For everyone.

I would never, ever send my kid to Michigan State after that, no matter how many of those criminals they fire. And they should fire all of them who knew or should have known. Fixing all this is long overdue.

There are many wonderful male coaches who are involved in women’s sports for all the right reasons. But don’t kid yourself, there are some who are not. Need to keep our eyes and ears open, always.

Larry Nassar is lucky some parent didn’t go all Dexter on him. He certainly deserves it.
Last edited:
Feb 4, 2015
IMO, justice will not be served until he is behind those prison walls and the population has time to give him "treatment." It will still never be enough for all of these young women. And to all those who enabled him for years, we can only hope for carma or a higher power to meet out their justice.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL

Do you know if the gymnastics coach has a job anywhere still? Same with softball coach?

(She reported to parents who did not believe her, our country is doomed)
Jul 14, 2010
When the softball player complained, she was told that she didn't know the difference between "treatment" and "sexual assault". A 20-year-old woman. Right.

I hope MSU gets the death penalty if even half of what has come out so far is true. And I'm sure there's more to come. The president has resigned and the AD has retired. The storm hasn't even begun yet.
Dec 11, 2010
No- was trying to find a print article but there is a mountain of stuff to sort through. There are just so many victims. And so many articles. Awful.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I looked it up, she retired a year ago.

I do not know why other heads did not start rolling then too.

I thought school teachers and coaches were mandatory reporters? Not sure what that means criminally through. Sluggers would know.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Almost all MSU athletes are not "children" within the meaning of the statute. That statute defines "child" as a person under the age of 18YOA. I suspect there are few, if any, 17YOA MSU athletes. There was no duty to report *under the statute* for those athletes. There may have been a duty to report under MSU's rules.

BUT: If a child (someone under the age of 18YOA) complained to an MSU coach at a camp (e.g., at a gymnastics camp), then the coach would have a duty to report.

A person who fails to report is liable for imprisonment for up to 90 days and a $500 fine. The person is also liable for any harm caused by the failure to report.

In Indiana educators are mandatory reporters there are key words that you have to react to. This is just ridiculous how an adult can blindly let this happen.

Ridiculous, but not surprising...

Look at football...football causes brain injury. Yet. go to almost any town in the US this fall on a Friday night and see parents and teachers gleefully encouraging children to risk permanent brain injury.
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2010
This case has caused other issues at MSU to come to light. Supposedly Dantonio and Izzo were involved in covering up assaults by basketball and football players.

On the original issue at hand the part that blows my mind is how a male doctor was allowed to see underage Olympic gymnasts by himself. Not blaming the victims here but why would any female athlete that was older and at MSU see a male doctor alone? If the doctor tried to see them alone I would be suspicious. DD had some physical therapy due to some him issues so the physical therapist had to have his hands in some places that were close to being too close for comfort. He made sure he had a female assistant with him at all times when working with my daughter. Heck if I had a female doctor and had to have anything done that could remotely be compromising I would want a second person in the room to cover each of us.

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