Help with team choice first year 10u

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Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
I need to get some opinions on team selection for my youngest dd. She just turned 9 in dec. She is an above average athlete in any sport she plays but obviously needs to continue to work on her game. Her main positions on her 8u/10u fall ball team were 5,6,1,2. She really enjoys all of them and but excels in the infield. She has a PC and then I help her from what I have learned here on IR. Progressing well but still needs more work. I have managed or assist coached her the last two seasons in 8u. We struggled last year about moving up to 10u or staying down and decided to stay down to help build her confidence, which it did. The plus of playing 10u would have been being wound better players and getting pushed harder but the lack of play time was a concern. (She pushes herself pretty hard and that was also part of the decision.)

On our previous team, we had some really good players and some really weak players. Some we know will not be back. Probably losing about half of our team but we have a tryout coming up the end of this month. We also have our local little league season coming up and I will manage her team there for sure.

She went to a try out recently for a larger org in our area that has multiple teams in 10u, one new and one established that is a little older. DD did great at the try out. Hitting wasn't super but her fielding and knowledge of the game shined. (Proud parents!) She ended up being asked to play on the new team.

I give you this background info to help her mom and I to make a team decision and here is where the question comes in. Do we stay with the current team that is moving up and may or may not have enough players for spring tourneys or do we leave and join the new team that we know very little about but will probably have some strong players to help push her. The other caveat is me coaching and helping with the her and the cure net team. I doubt I would be helping as much on the new team as I am now with her current team. That's tough for a couple reasons. Getting the one on one coaching from me and that I truly enjoy working with the kids and helping them get better. I also worry that she will not get the mound time on the new that she would get with her current team. But remember, she will be playing rec ball and get a lot of mound time there. I am also somewhat concerned about getting enough good players on the current team to be competitive. There are about 10-12 decent 10u teams in our area but our tryouts are last.

So there it is. What say ye of DFP forums? Trying to get some input form those that have been there, done that. I'm trying to take my personal emotions out of it but I am having a hard time.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
Go with the team that gives her the best chance of enjoying the game, so in other words, what does she WANT to do? Other than not having enough players to actually field a team, I can't think of a good reason to leave a team she is enjoying as long as you have confidence in the coaching :).
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Thanks for the reply. I don't know the coaches on the other teams. And that's part of what makes me want to stay. At least I know what we have now.
I should add that I am not the head coach but I do assist with her current team.
Dec 3, 2012
West Coast
I would have to agree with JJ in sticking with her current team if there isn't a compelling reason to leave. In the event the team folds because of lack of players there always seems to be other teams looking for players. Pitching on a 1st year 10U team and playing Little League can have the innings pile up fast so you might want to watch out for her fastball losing it's zip.
Jan 4, 2015
Tacoma, wa
I always let dd choose her team. She plays at the level and on the team she feels mousy comfortable. I have her try out for various team at different levels and she chooses. Where does your daughter want to play?
Jan 23, 2014
Leesburg, Va
At 9U you want her to play with her friends and in a situation where she will play. If this new team is mainly made up of 10 year olds, playing time will be hard to come by. If you go full time Tavel, you won't have time for Little League.


Feb 20, 2012
On our previous team, we had some really good players and some really weak players. Some we know will not be back. Probably losing about half of our team but we have a tryout coming up the end of this month. We also have our local little league season coming up and I will manage her team there for sure.

If your DD really wants to pitch her #1 priority for picking a team needs to be circle time. At 10U you are YEARS away from being recruited, so do not get suckered into being a #3 or #4 pitcher on a marquee team just so you can say "my DD plays for XXXX".

On your current team, are you losing the top half of your players or the bottom half? Every year we would "churn" the bottom 3-4 players on our roster and it was a good formula for improving every year while keeping some consistency. We took "baby steps" during my DD's development (C, low-B, mid-B, high-B, low-A, high-A) and I think that payed big dividends in her development as a pitcher and a player. You do not need to play A-level ball at 10U to get a college scholarship. Just work hard to get better so you are ready to play high level A-ball when she reaches 16U.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
We will be losing the bottom. So far all of the top players are coming back. This team played all of '14 together. Mostly 8u with 1 10u tourney and 10u rec fall ball.

DD is top or near the top on this team. We have been playing with some that just didn't care though.
She wants to change teams because she wants to "play with girls that care and want to get better." I'm hoping to get rid of those and bring in some new players with heart and we can build around what we have.

Little league will pass by soon enough. :)
In our area, almost every team has a lot of little league or Texas teenage players.

The other team will have a mix of 04 and 05's. Current team is 05-06's.

I want say thanks for the thoughts and replies. Trying to sort it out and do what's best for DD.
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Dec 31, 2014
My opinion is let it be about her. I have no loyalty to any organization, the heck with the organization, find the right coach for your kid, Don't name shop, don't be the number 4 pitcher if your kid wants to pitch, you will run into these ORGANIZATION GUYS that will want you to do whats best for the ORGANIZATION, Don't fall for it! FYI tough guy wanna be baseball coaches, They Suck, I have seen it, Girls don't respond to that crap, never have, never will. Don't get with a coach that always wants to tell you how great HE is!

Find out what she really wants. I wouldn't hold any loyalty to any team!

Good Luck!
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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
At 9U you want her to play with her friends and in a situation where she will play. If this new team is mainly made up of 10 year olds, playing time will be hard to come by. If you go full time Tavel, you won't have time for Little League.

Agree with your first statement. Playing time and being on a team where you like your teammates are very high considerations. But I would not assume that playing time will be hard to come by. When I coached 10U, everybody got a lot of playing time. Coaches who make playing time hard to come by in 10U are doing a disservice to children and should find other outlets for their competitive urges.

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