Going to brag on our catcher.

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Jul 26, 2010
Ouch. Grades are a big deal. I can't stress enough to kids that if you want to play softball in college, that 4.0 is what you want NOW, because it's going to be a lot harder to balance school and ball once you're actually in college. Stress to them that getting a 4.0 in public school is like batting .500 in rec ball, it really isn't that hard. Some kids do have learning issues, trust me, I've been through that. My daughter used to be a D-F student until she learned how to learn all over again, now she gets straight A's and takes honors classes.

The kid in this thread has phenomenal stats. It sucks that our society has such double-standards. If she were a boy she'd have a full ride to the school of her choice if she could write her name in crayon, but that just isn't the reality. Best of luck!



Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
The kid in this thread has phenomenal stats. It sucks that our society has such double-standards. If she were a boy she'd have a full ride to the school of her choice if she could write her name in crayon, but that just isn't the reality. Best of luck!


Agreed its not fair, but the good news is that, because she's a girl, she will learn that she has to be accountable for her actions now, rather than later or never for the male super stud athlete. There are too many male college athlete/students; most females playing sports in college have to be student/athletes. It's a big difference that makes a big difference down the road.
Feb 14, 2010

No offense but those numbers are unbelievable IMO. Where are you guys from? If she's close to Missouri I have to come watch you all play.
Oct 19, 2009

No offense but those numbers are unbelievable IMO. Where are you guys from? If she's close to Missouri I have to come watch you all play.

Sorry we are in Georgia, we just came back from the Legacy Showcase in Atlanta. Saturday Flordia was there to see the catcher on the other team and ended up talking to our coach about her (she was sick this weekend and did not have her normal game).

This is from the coach at Walters State.

"I had her up to our place and watched her work out. She put on a show that I've never seen before -- strong arm, can run, hit. I mean, [she] was just pretty phenomenal," Sauceman said. "She put on a hitting expedition like I'd never seen before, so I knew, yeah, we need this kid. I think she can move on and be a force ... [at] Division I, without a doubt. [You] gotta do what you gotta do in the classroom, and I think the athletic ability will take her right where she wants to be."
May 7, 2008
Is she interested in getting her grades right? Or is a 4 year school, just not in her future? My own DD could have cared less about going to college, but her grades were good. So, I know that school isn't for everyone. You probably don't know or shouldn't say, if there is a learning disability. If so, it would be very difficult - but not impossible, to go to college. I was surprised to learn that DD's old BF was dyslexic and couldn't write a sentence down on paper and I had known him 3 years (and I was a teacher.)

Good luck to her - and she needs to read a lot about Crystl Bustos, who couldn't make it at a 4 yr. college, either.
Oct 19, 2009
Amy her passion is sports and not school, I think she sees one goes with the other, or I hope she does.

I think good influnce from good people will make a difference!!!!!! :cool:
May 7, 2008
This is a crazy thought, but she should have entered the MLB draft. I would be concerned about her going to a 2 year school, at this point and messing up her grades and one year of eligibility. I remember instances of girls coming into college, where I coached and needing baby sat to even get them to class. It never worked out and of course, the college was reluctant to take them. I had a pitcher apply one time that had a 13 on her ACT. She needed about a 20 or more.

Crystl Bustos is fairly easy to contact. She runs a facility in Ohio. www.gotbustos.com
Jul 18, 2011
Having played at the Olympic level, that MPH and pop time is very difficult for me to believe, as it blows their catcher's #'s out of the water. If it's true, she's one talented kid! Not to be disrespectful, but are you sure the radar gun wasn't set on Km/hour? Just an honest question.
Jun 3, 2010
I have a kid that I did a recruiting video for, that many believe to be one of the top 5 catchers in the 2012 class. 1.5's is her pop time to first, 1.7's are her home to 2nd times. These were down with editing software and not with a hand held stop watch. She has coaches following her around at every showcase this summer.

I was told once that running a 2.8 home to first would get you a scholly somewhere, anything under 2.6 and Candrea would be sitting in your living room. If she has a 1.5 pop time from home to second, Candrea is on his way!!!
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