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Feb 25, 2022
I'm not a fan of fundraising when the "donator" doesn't get anything in return, like canning. We do 3 fundraisers a year that pay for additional things, like socks/jerseys for a specific tournament, like cancer awareness, pizza/ice cream for the girls, full team clinics, team bonding activities, etc.
1. Super Bowl pool, $25/box, 12 winners, team nets $1000
2. Bat voucher raffle. At our largest home tournament, we raffle off a voucher to a local sporting goods store for a bat that we get at 50% discount, tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. We have team moms walk around the complex selling, as we found it works much better than leaving at the registration booth or concession stand. We have never made less than $500 and one year slightly over $1200.
3. Christmas wreaths/grave blankets/poinsettias. A local garden center provides us with a 50% off discount on all orders through the fundraiser. We charge exactly what they would charge to the public, but we net 50% of all sales. We average around $500 in profits.

Our org allows each team to fundraise independently, so these funds are kept separate with it's own ledger. We decide as a team what we'd like to use these funds for, rather than paying for plane tickets for the elite gold star team.

Like with any other sports or clubs, usually only a 1/3-1/2 of the participants, (read parents), actually contribute. I keep debating to stop pooling the funds together and keep separate ledgers for each girl based upon what they sell, but that would take more time away from my already crazy schedule.
Apr 20, 2018
Blast or eteams?
That's where you send out and email or text video to friends, relatives, doctors, realtors or any other rich people you know asking them to support your team. It's cheesy but it works.
Jun 8, 2016
DD's team runs a local B/C tournament...well one guy runs it (has for a number of years) and the rest of us
help. I spend all weekend running the HR derby/fastest pitch contest...I don't mind. Last year we had one 08 kid clocked at 63..we tried to see if she wanted to pick up with us so we could see how she did against better competition :ROFLMAO: (she was interested but I don't think the parents were..)

We've done it twice and it brought in 1300 and 1500 per person. It's a lot of work for the guy who runs it, not so much for the rest of the parents. The girls work it one day too, the other day they have a practice.
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Oct 4, 2018
I don't like selling stuff, and like raising money by the girls working together. Since my girls are so busy with softball that they don't yet have part time jobs, I like getting the girls together to put in a hard day's work and each earning a few hundred bucks. It can be super hard finding events, but they are out there. Working a concession stand, helping set up and take down after events, etc. Requires plenty of parents to join in as well.
Aug 1, 2019
If you have pro sports or major college teams in your town, they may have fundraising opportunities in event concessions, security/courtesy, and clean-up. Good team building, too.
Nov 15, 2019
I hate fundraising, my family and friends are tired of me trying to sell them stuff. I would just rather pay our total fee and be done with it. If we're going to do fundraising I'd prefer to do the kinds of things where the girls actually have to earn the money.

One thing we did a few years ago which I thought was great is the team offered a yard clean up day. Weeding, raking, spreading mulch, whatever anyone wanted done. People loved this because it was stuff they would have hired someone to do anyway. I can't remember what we charged but a lot of people donated extra and we ended up making over $1,000. We also did a car wash that made over $1,000. Some auto supply stores will donate the soap.
Dec 2, 2013
I hate fundraising, my family and friends are tired of me trying to sell them stuff. I would just rather pay our total fee and be done with it. If we're going to do fundraising I'd prefer to do the kinds of things where the girls actually have to earn the money.

One thing we did a few years ago which I thought was great is the team offered a yard clean up day. Weeding, raking, spreading mulch, whatever anyone wanted done. People loved this because it was stuff they would have hired someone to do anyway. I can't remember what we charged but a lot of people donated extra and we ended up making over $1,000. We also did a car wash that made over $1,000. Some auto supply stores will donate the soap.
Don't forget all the HS team fundraising you have to do for each sport. My kids were always hauling around sign up sheets for wrapping paper, bread, peanuts, coffee, etc and boxes of chocolates. I am so glad I am done with it all, and I am no longer the President of the Booster Club after 4 years with 8 years on the board. More golf for me. Humble brag. I am playing 9 holes after work. Only $21 to walk!
May 16, 2016
If I have to look at another Facebook post of someone selling raffle tickets for Yeti cooler full of booze I am going to the bar again. At least be original and stuff that Yeti cooler full of edibles and and a few pounds of top shelf ditch weed. :cool:
Jun 8, 2016
If I have to look at another Facebook post of someone selling raffle tickets for Yeti cooler full of booze I am going to the bar again. At least be original and stuff that Yeti cooler full of edibles and and a few pounds of top shelf ditch weed. :cool:
I hate selling raffle tickets. Especially since most of the time the raffle tickets are for events/things that would only work if you live around here and the only people who buy from us live 2000+ miles away. If we were selling tickets to Celtics games or a dinner in downtown Honolulu it would be a different story :ROFLMAO: Most of the time we just buy the minimum (if there is one) ourselves and are done with it.

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