Down to...

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May 12, 2016
e.g just rotating with no linear motion? Who is advocating that when hitting a moving ball? I think
at this point some of you are arguing with ghosts...
I rather not argue with anybody, ghost included. I’m not the one saying all these pros are dumb and don’t know what they are talking about when demoing their swing and thought process. I created this thread to show that hands do “go down”... and maybe that’s obvious to you, but not to everybody. Cheers
Jun 8, 2016
I rather not argue with anybody, ghost included. I’m not the one saying all these pros are dumb and don’t know what they are talking about when demoing their swing and thought process. I created this thread to show that hands do “go down”... and maybe that’s obvious to you, but not to everybody. Cheers
For the most part, the barrel path in the demos is the issue.

Anyway with regards to teaching this stuff, which most on this board are interested in, I refer back to my 1st few posts in this thread...
Sep 19, 2018
Down to is right, but it IS down to from behind. Not straight down like ARod and Pujols show . That is a feel and not a real. This IS clear. What they show the barrel stays above the hands the whole time. What they do the barrel is below the hands most of the time. Swing down, yes, but as you would hit a golf ball to drive it down the fairway not as you would kill a fly anything else you want to pound into the ground. Know the difference. Know how to make sense out of nonsense.

Watching ARod and Pujols chop down on the ball is scientific nonsense(In there demonstrations). Why?, because they don't do that. It is an enigma to those with analytical minds. You just said do this, but you are really doing this? Yep that is the way it works. You have to Jedi mind trick some players, others like Donaldson or JD M. have been taught by guys like Tewksbury and that works for them because that is the way their brain works.

You as a coach have to discern what type of player you have. A feel or a real player. Is your student a Ted Williams or an ARod, Then adjust accordingly. Ted Williams would have won me over but I would call BS to ARod or Pujols. However, I have learned that what they are telling you isn't science but art. Ted is giving you science, ARod and Pujols art. Know the difference.
I agree with a lot of this. I think the problem (and I can be very wrong), in the Demo slow motion swing the ball in on a tee. Right in front. Knob to the ball brings a very choppy action. Where in live pitching the ball is 60 feet away and better than 6 feet high. So getting the knob to the ball results in a very different angle and placement of the barrel. Resulting in a very poor demo
Jul 16, 2013
For the most part, the barrel path in the demos is the issue.

Anyway with regards to teaching this stuff, which most on this board are interested in, I refer back to my 1st few posts in this thread...

In my opinion barrel path should be the focus. It's just a matter of how you want to achieve that.
May 12, 2016
Many demos isolate an element of the swing.. I have never seen Pujois, Trout etc stand in the box flat footed and just move their hands. That's the problem when critiquing these pros, not looking at the big picture. They are breaking their craft down piece by piece, and I can understand how that looks odd to some people. But when integrated into the entire swing, it makes sense. Pujois is "down to" like most other MLB hitters.
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Mar 11, 2010
Down to !! Keep the bat inside the s-plane rails.




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