Dilemma: Keep original pitching coach; look for new one?

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Interesting, because I teach internal rotation and open style and I have kids that leave me to go to push down wave the elbow, slam the hips closed instructors.:p

I've had the same thing. It's unfortunate too. I had one girl who came to me this past fall throwing that way. Her dad told me she had accuracy problems and wasn't throwing as hard as he thought she should. In her first lesson I had her throwing harder and straighter, and she continued to make progress with each lesson.

After a few weeks she stopped coming. I saw her name listed on the schedule of another instructor at one of the places I worked, so I asked the owner if the dad had given any feedback as to why they made the change. He told me the dad was supposed to talk to me. They were working with the other instructor temporarily until this other guy at another place had an opening. They switched because the other instructor at my place taught a style closer to the guy they wanted to be with. You guessed it -- turn the ball back toward second, push it down the circle, close the hips. So even with evidence of improvement you still can't win with some folks.

Funny thing is I've worked with a few of the girls this other guy has taught. He has a good reputation based on a few successful students, but quite frankly the girls I worked with also improved speed and control after I worked with them according to their fathers. But perception is reality, and if people think that's the right way to do it it's tough to change their ideas.

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