Where to stand in the batter's box: Up or back?

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
We haven't had this argument in a while. I'm puzzled at the extremely high percentage of TB players who bat at the front of the batter's box.

I prefer back, or keep the front foot no closer than the front of the plate, and give yourself more reaction time.

One major argument for being up in the box is that it takes away the curve ball on the outside half of the plate (assuming RHP vs. RHB, or LHP vs. LHB). If you're at the front of the box, that pitch will pass closer to your wheelhouse than if you're back when it crosses the plate.

But, what about the inside curve? If you're up in the box, the pitcher can throw a curve at your hands that, if you take it, will break over the plate for a strike.

So you're theoretically gaining one advantage (defending the outside breaking ball) at the expense of two others (the inside curve, reaction time).

What do you say?
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Front of box. Back of box. Neither is right or wrong. Only thing wrong is not adjusting and staying in one spot. You can make the pitcher adjust to what you are doing or you can adjust to what the pitcher is doing. Your choice.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Front of box. Back of box. Neither is right or wrong. Only thing wrong is not adjusting and staying in one spot. You can make the pitcher adjust to what you are doing or you can adjust to what the pitcher is doing. Your choice.

I certainly understand the idea of using it strategically. That is, if a certain pitcher is dominating with a certain pitch, try to take that pitch away. But I would still think that the default position would not be at the front of the box. More likely middle or back. If your DD had a choice of where the batter stood in the box (closer or farther), which would she choose?


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
If your DD had a choice of where the batter stood in the box (closer or farther), which would she choose?
My DD does have the choice and it depends on what she sees in the pitcher. I'm guessing my DD will make the final decision when she is in the box. DD seems to stand up in the box never asked her why.
Added: Just ask DD why she stands in the front of the box. She said because 'she thinks it takes away some of their pitches drop & change up'. Also because the fielders think she is bunting( she hears them say 'move up look for the bunt'). DD normal bats in the 1 or 2 hole.
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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
My DD does have the choice and it depends on what she sees in the pitcher. I'm guessing my DD will make the final decision when she is in the box. DD seems to stand up in the box never asked her why.

I meant if the pitcher had the choice of where to place the batter, up or back. ''DD'' in that case was Riseball's DD, a pitcher.

Only guessing, but I think most girls who are up in the box are there because (1) they've been coached to do it or (2) they are more frequently early and believe that being closer will help them be on time. But I've not asked many hitters, either. I've tried recently to get my DD to be more back, but her coaches insist that she move up. She has a stride, and I think she strides out of the box half the time.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
I added this to my earlier post:
Added: Just ask DD why she stands in the front of the box. She said because 'she thinks it takes away some of their pitches drop & change up'. Also because the fielders think she is bunting( she hears them say 'move up look for the bunt'). DD normal bats in the 1 or 2 hole.
I personally think when you move up in the box you're showing the pitcher that you don't think she is fast.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I certainly understand the idea of using it strategically. That is, if a certain pitcher is dominating with a certain pitch, try to take that pitch away. But I would still think that the default position would not be at the front of the box. More likely middle or back. If your DD had a choice of where the batter stood in the box (closer or farther), which would she choose?

Toes on plate back of box. You want to beat her, move up and come off the plate. Make her throw outside. Lay off her rise and sit on an inside pitch.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Toes on plate back of box. You want to beat her, move up and come off the plate. Make her throw outside. Lay off her rise and sit on an inside pitch.

Well, that admittedly makes some sense. I'd also think that if you're forced to throw inside, you're also gonna hit some batters, especially if you try to throw an inside curve for a strike.
May 17, 2012
If you move to the front of the box the catcher should be coming with you so now what? You have shortened the distance the pitcher is throwing so I don't see the advantage.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I had this discussion with Hillhouse about a year ago. He told me at the level he used to play, everyone, and I mean everyone had their back foot on the back line of the batter box. As GunnerShotgun pointed out, you're taking the catcher and umpire with you no matter where you go. I believe, right or wrong, that it makes it harder on the umpires to call a strike from further back when they don't have the batter right next to the plate as reference.

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