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Jun 8, 2016
If parents cared less about their kid's 10U National/Premier/Platinum/Gold/Silver/Tin/Copper team winning and losing and more about their kid having fun and improving (which most of the time the umpires have little to no effect on..) there would be a lot less strife on this board about umpires. Go to the same store where you bought the rose colored glasses you view your kid through and exchange them for an umpire version..
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Aug 5, 2022
In this case I think what most people cared about was a 12 yr old girl who was ejected for doing nothing wrong. Had to leave the field/dug out and go to the parking lot with her family until the game was over. That’s a tough pill to swallow at 12 when it’s undeserved. The way the play went down was ball came in. Catcher stepped back and towards 3rd to throw. Right handed catcher. Batter stepped back too so catchers right arm came into the batter and ball went somewhere between the pitcher and the short stop. It was clear batter interference and absolutely nothing malicious about it and suddenly the umpire is making a scene and ejecting this kid. It was ridiculous. Honestly around my area the umpiring has gotten so terrible I wish my younger daughter would pick a different sport like cross country. My older one is almost off the college so I could be done.

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Jun 8, 2016
In this case I think what most people cared about was a 12 yr old girl who was ejected for doing nothing wrong. Had to leave the field/dug out and go to the parking lot with her family until the game was over. That’s a tough pill to swallow at 12 when it’s undeserved. The way the play went down was ball came in. Catcher stepped back and towards 3rd to throw. Right handed catcher. Batter stepped back too so catchers right arm came into the batter and ball went somewhere between the pitcher and the short stop. It was clear batter interference and absolutely nothing malicious about it and suddenly the umpire is making a scene and ejecting this kid. It was ridiculous. Honestly around my area the umpiring has gotten so terrible I wish my younger daughter would pick a different sport like cross country. My older one is almost off the college so I could be done.

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The kid will be back on the field this weekend with her friends and more than likely the only people who will still be thinking about this are adults..??‍♂️
May 29, 2015
Here is the question you have to ask yourself:

You know you have Blind Bob and Make-it-all-up Mike on your game in two days. Do you cancel the game?

If your answer is "no" ... well, do I need to finish that?
Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
As a player (or parent) you really only have two choices.....

1. Don't play
2. Play

What do you think your player is going to choose? Instead of complaining, teach your player to play through the bad call or mistake and move on.

Yes, umpires get paid. But around here.....I don't see umpires rolling up in Escalades to the tournament.
Jun 8, 2016
Yes, umpires get paid. But around here.....I don't see umpires rolling up in Escalades to the tournament.
I am going to be honest with you, I feel bad for some of these guys around here especially the older ones. There is no way you are umpiring 5+ games in 95 degree heat at 65+ YO if you don't need the money...and then they get screamed at for 8 straight hours :confused:.
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Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
I am going to be honest with you, I feel bad for some of these guys around here especially the older ones. There is no way you are umpiring 5+ games in 95 degree heat at 65+ YO if you don't need the money... :confused:.

100%. I'm not one to get riled up over mistakes (as we all make them), but those guys I cut a ton of slack.

I know I bring hockey up a fair amount (as it's what I played growing up and through high school)....but the amount of missed penalties or calls that happen are immense. The game is too fast to catch all of them. And yes, player ejections sometimes happened if a referee was out of position or a certain hit looked really bad (when it wasn't). But as a player you were taught/told/yelled at to "play through it and quit complaining".

Softball could use a little of that......

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