Pitching Speed (brag post)

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Nov 29, 2009
DD's Pitching Coach had never seen 64 mph on his radar gun..

Not too many kids can hit that. She is in a small group. Or maybe a large one.... If you listen to what a lot of the bucket squatters say.

Now make it move and change speeds. Then she'll be all good in the hood.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
Thanks all!

Quincy, fortunately the speed limit on the school softball field is unlimited :)

Sparky, That's why her coach had her show the gun in the photo. It isn't proof, but it's a pretty good picture none-the-less. Her Change Up is 48, she has an OK Screwball and a good drop and drop/curve. She was at the NFCA camp at Fireworks in Colorado and had screwball spin revolutions well above the average of the kids there. That is what she is working on as well as hitting spots with all of her pitches.

Elmo, she is 15 (rising Junior)
Last edited:
Mar 15, 2010
Her Change Up is 48, she has an OK Screwball and a good drop and drop/curve. She was at the NFCA camp at Fireworks in Colorado and had screwball spin revolutions well above the average of the kids there. That is what she is working on as well as hitting spots with all of her pitches.

How does her speed in practice compare to games? My DD hit 60 on the gun for the first time about 3 months ago but the pitch that was clocked was so wild that it can't be thrown in a game. In normal game situations DD's speed is 54 - 56 with a few that peak at 58.


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
Funny you should ask SoCalDad... I had stopped using the gun on her about a year ago, when she started focusing on movement and location. When I did clock her during games her speed was 3-4 mph higher than when I clocked her at practice. I figured that it was because when she TRIES to throw hard she tenses and trys too hard, she says it's because she has more adrenalyn during games.

At practice yesterday her PC said that it looked like she was throwing harder than usual so he dusted off the radar gun. SURPRISE!!! :)
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Lets see 2-3 mins of pitching video.

I've got 3 radar guns. I have a cop friend that calibrates them for me. One is dead on, one is under by 8 mph, one is over by 8. You won't believe the fun I have had with crazy dads over the years bragging on speed. :)
Oct 22, 2009
I haven't seen 60 yet on my gun!
I've had a 59 though.

Would love to see 60+ one day from one my students.
Mar 15, 2010
Lets see 2-3 mins of pitching video.

I've got 3 radar guns. I have a cop friend that calibrates them for me. One is dead on, one is under by 8 mph, one is over by 8. You won't believe the fun I have had with crazy dads over the years bragging on speed. :)

This reply probably falls better under a "Bad dad" thread. Last year one of the parents had one of those cheap radar gun that was 7 MPH different when compared to a calibrated Highway Patrol radar gun. My DD felt that her speed was improving and she really wanted a number. Took the slower gun to practice and kept saying, "don't know why you feel it is faster, gun is showing 44 - 45". Had her going all practice. She didn't talk to me for a week after that stunt, not that having her ignore me for a week was a bad thing.

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