Pain from pitching

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Feb 8, 2021
My daughter is 15, she plays travel ball and I coach. Recently she has been experiencing pain in between her shoulder blades closer to the right side just above it. It feels like a knot of muscle. Has anyone heard of this or experienced it? I’m certain is something she’s doing mechanically


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Take her to a sports medicine orthopedist for a diagnosis. You need to have it checked out. Most likely, it is a sprain or strain...but, it could be something more serious.

If it s a sprain/strain, then she may have a mechanical problem. Or, she could be pitching too much.

Softball pitching is easier on the body than baseball pitching, but a softball pitcher can still suffer an overuse injury.
Feb 8, 2021
I did take her last fall nothing they had her do helped. It’s not from overuse she has had 6 weeks plus off . I’m pretty sure it’s mechanical doesn’t hurt to throw overhand or hit she’s our 3 hitter and plays 3B most of the time
May 27, 2013
I’d personally still get a recheck, especially if it’s no better. Did they do any imaging, PT, etc? Better to know there is nothing structurally wrong. Could be muscle imbalance (does she do any bands or weights to balance out opposite side muscles?), or maybe her posture during the day is adding to it (hunched over, slouched shoulders, etc).

I definitely would follow up with the doctor first though.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Not a Dr.

Pains like these can also be aggrivated by how we are sitting and sleeping.
Resting on elbow while leaning on the arm type things.
How does she hold her phone?
The area you describe can also include neck muscles.
And yes it can go on for months.
Simply saying it doesnt hurt when, does not indicate how come it hurts.
Often loosening it up through motion actually can help.

Did not read what you have done to help it recover.
Stretch gently, 3-4 times daily.
Deep tissue pressure point massage.
*TENS unit = electrical stimulation
*over the counter resources available that work really well, imo.

Have you tried ALL of this for 6 weeks?
Did she take time off atleast for 2 weeks while also doing home therapy?

Btw, if there is any discomfort and she kept using it without taking care of it,
only prolongs it.
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Oct 4, 2018
I’d personally still get a recheck, especially if it’s no better. Did they do any imaging, PT, etc? Better to know there is nothing structurally wrong. Could be muscle imbalance (does she do any bands or weights to balance out opposite side muscles?), or maybe her posture during the day is adding to it (hunched over, slouched shoulders, etc).

I definitely would follow up with the doctor first though.

Yeah, go see someone else perhaps.

I know it's a drag, and expensive. But you'll all be kicking yourself if it gets worse and really limits her future.
Oct 10, 2018
DD had the same issue - for her it was fixed by getting the glove hand up. Not sure how or why, someone suggested it was a balance issue from not getting the glove up, but once she started getting the glove up (she tended to just let it hang or raise it minimally) and stood straighter it stopped.
Jan 28, 2017
I posted about my DD awhile back with the purple hand. She had these crazy knots coming up all around her scapula on the glove side and throwing side for along period of time. Her clavicle was out of place and I believe the clavicle being out of place was causing the knots. I know it caused the hand to turn purple. We changed her mechanics also. No problems in about two years now.
Aug 20, 2017
See an orthopedic ASAP. Don’t wait. Anyone who has coached long enough knows the wear and tear put on a pitchers labrum. The biceps tendon can also become in flamed and cause issues. Could have some bursitis as well. Google search those. To check labrum hold arm straight out from shoulder palm down. Slowly lift it up as far as possible without feeling pain. Stop when she feels pain. If she feels pain quickly may have a tear in labrum. I’m not a doctor. I have coached a few pitchers that have had shoulder surgeries. Pitching travel combined with high school ball can cause overuse quickly. Hope she gets better quickly!

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