How dare you bring common sense into the discussionThe article actually provides proof of an advantage.
“A further cross-sectional study examining muscle strength using a hand grip dynamometer in trans women who had completed an average of 14.1 ± 3.5 years GAHT found that, on average, the muscle strength data of trans women fell below that of cisgender men but was significantly greater (16%) than the values of cisgender women. 75 Most studies assessing muscle strength have utilized grip strength which has not been adjusted for hand size”
Adjust for hand size? I can hear coaches now.
Coach “Did you look at the two pitchers this weekend?”
Recruiter “Yes, Mary was throwing 70 with 1500 rpm, Amy 63 with 1300 rpm.”
Coach “Ok but did you adjust for hand size?”
Recruiter “Of coarse that is what really matters. Mary has hands like Kawhi Leonard and Amy has small hands. So when I adjust Mary only throws 64 with 1300 rpm. Amy would throw 67 with 1400 rpm.”
Coach “Great get that offer into Amy. Since we know larger hands helping velocity and spin provides no competitive advantage.”