Michigan vs. Washington- obstruction

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Mar 14, 2017
I couldn't find the video yet, but any thoughts from anyone watching?

It didn't look like obstruction to me, but the NCAA rule is so screwed up it's hard to know. She had the ball at contact and the runner changed the path she was on to go into the catcher. The camera angle doesn't show where the catcher sets up early enough to see much.
Jul 16, 2013
I agree with you. The runner changed her direction to intentionally run into the catcher. If that is still obstruction the rule needs to be changed.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Clear obstruction by NCAA rules.

Came across before she had the ball.

Time and ball in glove of player at contact irrelevant. Obstruction had already occurred.

Throw drawing her across irrelevant to the call. It just caused the obstruction.

I didn't see any intent to contact by the runner but I wasn't even considering it. Certify wasn't malicious if it happened.

How do you not obstruct here? Make a better throw.

or possibly move to the ball (yes this gives up the chance of a play) not a lot of good options really for the catcher
Nov 25, 2012
Clear obstruction by NCAA rules.

Came across before she had the ball.

Time and ball in glove of player at contact irrelevant. Obstruction had already occurred.

Throw drawing her across irrelevant to the call. It just caused the obstruction.

I didn't see any intent to contact by the runner but I wasn't even considering it. Certify wasn't malicious if it happened.

How do you not obstruct here? Make a better throw.

or possibly move to the ball (yes this gives up the chance of a play) not a lot of good options really for the catcher
I agreed with the call. Hated to see it but I do agree. Jen Schro (catcher) gave a great explanation of this play of 7 innings live tonight.

Looking like a game 2. Hope I am wrong on that in a few minutes.

Dec 18, 2016
So Big Daddy Michigan didn't agree with the obstruction call....color me surprised. (lol) I didn't see the runner change directions to purposely make contact. I agree with the call as the catcher was in the base path without the ball. I think if she had the ball upon entering the base path, she wouldn't have had to swipe behind her to try and tag the runner.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
What i do know with certainty
Rules have changed the game!
Not sure all for the better?!

When i reflect back on
'Just being allowed to play the ball' i like it better.
( plus far less of these hair line incedences of
Was it the catcher?
Or did the runner?)
What i see now comming is...
An umpire having to determine
(and grow some backbone)
And acknowledge that runners are at times purposely creating contact other than necessary. Then making a call that pisses off some big D1 coach...to rethink how this rule gets applied.
Just maybe ;)

Cannot recall people having issues with
Play the ball. Like this pic.
Rules didnt determine where we could be defensively.
That said even with the obstruction rule as it is now...
There are collisions still happening, just now folks squabble over the application of the rule.
Not certain the rule helps anything??? Just sayin ;)


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
That said even with the obstruction rule as it is now...
There are collisions still happening, just now folks squabble over the application of the rule.
Not certain the rule helps anything??? Just sayin ;)

This isn't statistical, but in my experience, I have seen a dramatic reduction in the number of concussions, broken knees and other injuries from plate collisions with all the rules around not being able to block the plate or forcing someone to 'blow up' another player - which you had to do if someone is completely blocking the plate. I also haven't seen any of our local players leave the game completely because they got into these collisions - which I saw regularly just a few years ago.

There may be some tweaking to do (and I am not sure what that is) - but the intent of what they wanted with changing these rules is working.

For the most part, catchers have adjusted by setting up in front of the plate and working back once they catch the ball.

The other intent behind the way the NCAA rule is written is to remove as much mind reading as possible from the umpires. For obstruction - you either have the ball or you don't - don't have to worry about why or how they got there or if they intended to block the plate or were doing something else. It takes away a lot of grey areas. It why they continue to leave the HPB rule in - the umpire doesn't have to decide on 'intent to move out of the way - for which there was no good standard' - it either hit her in the box or it didn't.

I expect them to do something about this with pitching in the next year or two - expect leaping to be added to the pitching rules- it takes away another area that is clearly considered 'grey'.
Dec 2, 2013
I agreed with the call. Hated to see it but I do agree. Jen Schro (catcher) gave a great explanation of this play of 7 innings live tonight.

Looking like a game 2. Hope I am wrong on that in a few minutes.

This is what I saw. Catcher was clearly in the middle of the line without the ball and the runner had to change her path.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
For the most part, catchers have adjusted by setting up in front of the plate and working back once they catch the ball.

I was taught this way when I was a kid playing LL...some 40 years ago. The coach was an ex-MLB catcher.

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