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Aug 20, 2017
I'm gonna put this in the category of gotta see a live swing....even if you just front toss from 20 ft or so from behind a screen.

I'm just not sold that turn looks the same when not on a tee. I could offer a few suggestions but could be counter productive versus a live pitcher
Agree with this. Her upper body load on tee looks to be too much shoulder/torso rotation inward. I’ve seen players develop this when hitting off tees too much. However, when the upper body loads itself in this fashion, most players will fire from the top first causing hitters to cast, swing around, pull off ball immediately. She doesn’t do that. She has a tight turn, elbow slot looks in sequence (not early). I also don’t see the roll over immediately after contact. Her swing is very good, everything looks to be in sequence to me. I’m not sure what you are trying to fix? I’d just unleash her lol! What are her in game tendencies?


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Just remembered seeing this some time ago. I think it's ingenious.

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Learning everyday
Aug 9, 2018
Agree with this. Her upper body load on tee looks to be too much shoulder/torso rotation inward. I’ve seen players develop this when hitting off tees too much. However, when the upper body loads itself in this fashion, most players will fire from the top first causing hitters to cast, swing around, pull off ball immediately. She doesn’t do that. She has a tight turn, elbow slot looks in sequence (not early). I also don’t see the roll over immediately after contact. Her swing is very good, everything looks to be in sequence to me. I’m not sure what you are trying to fix? I’d just unleash her lol! What are her in game tendencies?

I agree on the tee comment. The hitter should not be looking at the tee. Your head is never in that position during a game yet you are practicing that. Put a 2nd tee beyond the screen and have the hitter look at the "pitch" and swing to hit it on the first tee. Also please move the first tee around and up and down. Pitchers seldom throw the ball in the same location 20 times in a row.

My other comment is the right elbow, I like to see the back elbow up and parallel to the ground on the hitter to allow for pull back and more power than in the Candera video above. It seems a little dated to me. I like the Antonelli videos as power swing.
Apr 20, 2018
Starting with the high rear elbow (2nd swing) looks much better and stronger. I think it is OK to hit ball hard off the tee but as I said before
"Have her look out at an imaginary pitcher instead of staring at the ball. Or better yet you get on other side of bownet and simulate a pitcher's motion."


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.


Last edited:


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
I agree on the tee comment. The hitter should not be looking at the tee. Your head is never in that position during a game yet you are practicing that. Put a 2nd tee beyond the screen and have the hitter look at the "pitch" and swing to hit it on the first tee. Also please move the first tee around and up and down. Pitchers seldom throw the ball in the same location 20 times in a row.

My other comment is the right elbow, I like to see the back elbow up and parallel to the ground on the hitter to allow for pull back and more power than in the Candera video above. It seems a little dated to me. I like the Antonelli videos as power swing.
Oops. Meant the way to soft toss for inside; down the pipe and outside pitches was ingenious. Have never analyzed the swing before.


All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Starting with the high rear elbow (2nd swing) looks much better and stronger. I think it is OK to hit ball hard off the tee but as I said before
"Have her look out at an imaginary pitcher instead of staring at the ball. Or better yet you get on other side of bownet and simulate a pitcher's motion."
The reason I stress not trying to swing hard off a tee is because when you hit a bomb in a game, "it feels like I swung easy". Relaxed muscles are fast muscles.

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