Let’s Talk Timing

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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Who are we comparing them to average D1 teams or teams we are seeing still playing in late May?

I do watch mostly D1 cream of the crop. I see differences, yes. There is a level for everyone who wants to play in college. Education over just playing softball.

Just watching the pitching, no radar, I’ll record and get the speed from video. It’s not 70 mph like almost everyone in the cream of the crop.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
One pitcher was 55 on a rise. Not sure if that is max. Will have to record more to find out. Just watching the game they don’t seem to be lighting up the radar even without one. lol
Sep 22, 2021
Sioux Falls, SD
Just wanted to update with something I saw Matt Antonelli say that pertains to timing: “You load to see the ball. You don’t see the ball then load”. Thought that was a pretty good thought if your dd is having timing issues. It applies to front toss, pitching machine and live pitching.
When the pitcher moves, you move??
Jan 1, 2024
Timing is the most critical aspect of hitting. Bad mechanics timed well will hit the ball. Perfect mechanics poorly timed will seldom hit. Don't be fooled into thinking that all batters' movements must be locked to specific pitcher's movements. Timing is dynamic. There is a big difference in the timing of 70+ MPH D1 bat speed hitting 70+ MPH D1 pitching and 55 MPH high school bat speed hitting 60 MPH high school pitching. Cues are a place to start, but the athlete must become skilled at adjusting to the conditions she is facing.
Aug 20, 2017
Getting the foot up and stretching on time. Foot starts up when pitcher starts upswing. DD is fully stretched at pitch release. Pitcher was not throwing hard. Sorry for YouTube making at a reel.


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