Home made pitching targets.

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Oct 9, 2018
What do you use a target for your pitchers when you do not have a live catcher? The actual thing that represents the catchers glove

For movement pitches do you have your pitchers look at a different spot or at the end target?
Nov 9, 2021
I have used a ton of things for targets in front of a net just to keep it fun. I have let my daughters pick random things to aim at. We have used little stuffed animals, toys etc… hanging from a string. I think their favorite was hanging water balloons because they loved watching it explode when they hit their spot.

You can also set up various sized things on a tee to aim at. As they get better reduce the size of what they are aiming at. Just be creative and find a way to make it fun. Found that to be more important than what they aimed at.

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Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
I've used cheap pizza pans the most for DD. The idea is to beat them up so badly that I have to purchase a new one. You can drill a hole in it and attach a string. Come in multiple sizes based on pitchers experience/skill level. The better DD has become the smaller sized pans I use.

If focusing on something related to consistency we'll use just one. Or if we're working on going back-and-forth between zones we'll use two or three. For drop-ball & change-up work I'll add a string for her to throw over and then hang the pans a little lower.

They give off a great noise when they're hit and are inexpensive on Amazon. Hang them on a back-stop net or chain link fence.
Jun 7, 2020
I've see. Pool noodles cut into like 4 inch pieces and hung via a string. Just hang them on a net. One dad I know who does this has trot line clips attached to the string so he can move the targets around. Also works for batting.
May 18, 2019
We use this. Boring but there is definitely one square we stay away from.

Jan 25, 2022
I haven't tried it yet, but th local karate dojo uses x-ray photo sheets. They're durable and make a nice smacking sound. Anyone try these before?

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