First year 14u Tee Swings

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Sep 29, 2014
In the end you can stick whatever labels on it you want, teach and no teach what you want (IMO this is student dependent), emphasize this over that (again IMO student dependent) but in the end an elite swing has one basic look and can tweak around the edges and there are some style elements but watch Justine Stone's video or Matt Antonelli's they might be using a little different language but the are both advocating the same thing basic mechanics....a solid athletic foundation, a coil/loaded position at toe touch, at heel plant building the swing from the bottom up, initiating the swing by turning the barrel (no pushing to point of pivot or knob to ball motion) and staying in the hitting zone as long as possible (no hitting down on the ball) with hands above the ball and a slight upward angle/tilt to drive the ball.

Again reword however you want emphasize what you want but the basics are there no matter how you describe it and for certain student certain cues may work or not work but the basics don't change.
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Oct 4, 2018
I'm glad I outsource hitting instruction.

I go to every lessons and listen and try to learn but man it's hard. Very glad we have a great hitting coach (who will soon be her feeder/middle school coach).
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I'm glad I outsource hitting instruction.

I go to every lessons and listen and try to learn but man it's hard. Very glad we have a great hitting coach (who will soon be her feeder/middle school coach).

I outsource hitting instruction for my DD, too. However this is primarily because she doesn't like listening to me. I pay someone to say the things I want to tell her. It also helps that her HI and I speak the same hitting language.
Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
Rich K said: A lot of throwing the baby out with the bath-water to 'win' philosophical arguments today. (Also a lot of use of low-effort and change-up swings as mechanics 'proof', but that's another topic). These are old arguments not worth rehashing

To those interested, I'd ask you to consider the role of coil (and continued-rear-leg-coil-even-as-hips-open-into-contact) as a key element of one-leggedness. But of course rejection of coil seems very related to the idea that one-leggedness (along with TTB and deep barrel) isn't a thing either. To each his own.

I feel like this one is directed at me. No worries.

I am merely stating that coil is a result. It’s not a way to move the mass forward.

My kids coils in her swing. But it’s not intentional. It’s a way to transport the weight forward without bleeding it into the front leg. It’s not a power source. There are other ways to transport the weight as well. Posture comes to mind.

What matters is the counter rotation of the pelvis. Which is a must. But happens naturally when one moves out into a FYB position.

Notice the letters on his jersey change directions quickly. That’s a reactive coil of the core. That’s the move one should strive for. Not forced, all reactive to the sequence.

Notice the gather take him forward then the pelvis counter rotates. A reaction if you will.

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Jul 29, 2013
"Coil?" Watch it slowly. The "coil" is just a way to get the hips out front. If you stand still and are going to walk forward, the first move the body makes is to shift the hips forward. Then the leg swings forward to catch your forward fall.
She'll naturally "coil" more if she strides bigger. The bigger forward move will allow her to get her hips further out front of her legs and it will look like she's "coiling." If that's what you're looking to accomplish.
More launch angle requires greater rearward spine tilt. Mia swings with her center of gravity in the center of her stride and so head is between her feet and jer spine is straight up. Create more launch angle by getting her head behind her back leg. More rearward spine tilt, more launch angle.


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Oct 2, 2017
"Coil?" Watch it slowly. The "coil" is just a way to get the hips out front. If you stand still and are going to walk forward, the first move the body makes is to shift the hips forward. Then the leg swings forward to catch your forward fall.
She'll naturally "coil" more if she strides bigger. The bigger forward move will allow her to get her hips further out front of her legs and it will look like she's "coiling." If that's what you're looking to accomplish.
More launch angle requires greater rearward spine tilt. Mia swings with her center of gravity in the center of her stride and so head is between her feet and jer spine is straight up. Create more launch angle by getting her head behind her back leg. More rearward spine tilt, more launch angle.

She is hitting off of a tee, It does NOT require more spine angle, tilt or whatever you want to call it. Especially with the tee placement like she has.
Oct 2, 2017
I've been reading through the threads on your DD and her tee swing. IMO all the talk about coil is moot, if we don't realize what your DD's mindset concerning how to swing is. Again IMO she will never be able to coil whether taught or done naturally if you don't take her focus off of the front side. I agree with Eric F that she has all back and all forward setup. You can see it when you watch the video of her in slow motion. IMO the all back and all forward is do to a player thinking about getting the front side in a position to swing from. If you can get her to understand that the swing for the most part has nothing to do with the front side and that we want to get her to understand that the entire swing, from the gather to the stride to launch position is all set up by the backside of the body. If you look at post #33 and #31 they are not really concerned with anything the front side is doing. I would tell her that the goal when swinging is to move the backside from start to finish through the ball. Do not even mention the front side to her from here on out. The drill to perform is the good ole justing stone drill or the one legged hover drill. This drill will help get her to think of using her back side to set up her swing to launch. All this again is just IMO


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