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Jun 27, 2021
IF the coach had said you've been away from the team, you're not in elite game shape, we'd like to put you on one of our other EC teams as you play your way back......that's one thing

telling her she's off his team because it projects a bad image is entirely another

A few things, it seems a lack of communication by both parties. Player has a baby, coach assumes she is not playing any longer as two months passed since they last talked/spoke.

She is a senior heading into her final travel year, as she wrapped up school ball in the fall and had not signed with a school. Her prior play might of got her a demotion from his team to another EC team to help get her the exposure she needs. Was that when things as were stated turned ugly? Nobody knows unless they were in the room. Typically his team is wrapped up in regards to college signees heading into their final summer of travel and he is focusing on those younger kids called up to get their process moving.

This story has been shared hundreds of times on FB and I keep seeing people toss out Jasmine Williams at Oregon having a child. But also fail to mention she opted out of the 2021 season. Oregon helped her in anyway she needed, not her travel ball organization. Oregon helped her the same way they would help a male who had a child during college.

I wish this young mom the very best and hope she is able to find a home and potentially a place to play after this summer if she is able to do so.
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Dec 2, 2013
2 of DD's former TB teammates now have babies. One got pregnant her first semester while at college. She was a pretty good pitcher. Dropped out and now has #2 baby. Her mom also played for the same TB coach AND had a child after her 2nd year of college. Genetics?

The other player played at a D2 in Tennessee. I just found out she had a baby. She had already quit playing after 2 years. Interesting enough both players were added to the TB roster their Sr. year as they moved in from out of state (MO and Maryland)and they both lived in the same area outside of Houston. Coincidence???
Apr 8, 2019
I don't agree or disagree with that stance. It's just not my child so what they do is none of my business. I know what we would do as a family if it was our daughter or son who was in this situation. One of which is not putting it out on social media to have it scrutinized by message boards or social media opinions.
Totally agree with that. Why put this out there?
Apr 8, 2019
What you are calling admirable, I would define as selfish in terms of playing travel softball instead of spending time with an infant in this scenario. The grandparents helping out to further the young ladies education is different than helping out to play travel softball.

I on the other hand believe it is admirable for a mother and father to raise their own child. Regardless if the parents are capable of helping out. Good parents have to sacrifice extra curricular activities to raise a child, it is part of being a responsible adult. I know I certainly had to give up activities that I enjoyed before I became a father. I would like to believe that most parents would share a similar viewpoint.
Just like we don't know the full story about the coach. You don't know the full story on how this child will be raised. If it works for their family, it should not bother you one bit. Unless you know something, we don't?
Apr 8, 2019
My 20yo DD summed it up well...we don't have much context and don't know anything beyond the player's perspective. My house full of women are highly skeptical about someone not already carrying lots of extra weight carrying a baby to term and having NO idea they're pregnant. For some, it's possible to hide a pregnancy from others, but it's a tough sell that a well conditioned athlete would be so out of tune with their own body.

From my perspective, it's an unfortunate mistake that deserves some sympathy. However, this wasn't an immaculate conception, and apparently not the result of a crime, but a conscious adult-level decision. Regardless of intent, adult-level decisions often produce adult-level consequences, and I'm a bit surprised at the reaction I've seen.

The responsible priority is to take care of that newborn while focusing on actions that will, going forward, provide for it in the best way possible. That may be where the coach is coming from...I don't know. I do know that when my kids were born, I gave up some time-consuming activities that I'd enjoyed most of my life. My wife gave up, without looking back, a very lucrative career with lots of room left for her to run. Unless softball is a direct path to an education that can't be had any other way (unlikely), there are more pressing priorities for a responsible person. Shaming the coach on social media isn't one of them, and isn't a great indicator of character.
Everyone has a different take on how to raise a child. If the child grows up to be a well-mannered productive individual, then what was the problem?
Oct 4, 2018
The Lord Prayer isn't kosher? Well, that is kinda funny but to too funny. I would like to know what "forcing it upon everyone " means? Is it, "We are saying the Lords Prayer and you must do so also." I've never seen that. If your family is Christian, then saying the Lords Prayer is your nature. It is who you are. If not simply go your own way. ....."But it is uncomfortable." ???? Why? I hear people say things all the time that I don't believe in. I never feel uncomfortable. I just pray for them.

Yup, it's uncomfortable for many. Do you want to make others uncomfortable? Or just like stirring the pot? Or do you get a satisfaction out of making people say words from your book and not theirs?

Or do you think they can just stand off to the side and not participate? Yeah, great solution. :(

Just no place for it on the softball field.
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Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
Yup, it's uncomfortable for many. Do you want to make others uncomfortable? Or just like stirring the pot? Or do you get a satisfaction out of making people say words from your book and not theirs?

Just no place for it on the softball field.
No place for a prayer on a ball field? Why?

I'm not a big church-goer, and I don't understand the "uncomfortable" argument. Why do others need to abstain from a completely optional, short, and benign activity because someone might be uncomfortable? There's something called the 1st Amendment and, just like the speech part, the comfort of others isn't a consideration.

Go grab a snack or go to the restroom. It will be over in a minute.
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