Dealing with team's diamond diva

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Jun 29, 2013
Not sure what you should do, by I can tell you that if your coach ignores this that is what should NOT happen. I’m watching a team implode currently and one of the issues is a player who acts similarly towards her teammates. My advice to my daughter to remind the player that if she thinks she is a leader, it’s time to lead. Leaders don’t act like divas, and divas have never inspired anyone
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May 16, 2016
Sounds to me like you should have done more of the throwing drills even though your elbow was hurting, so the SS (diva) could make more accurate throws. That makes perfect sense to me.

^^^ that would be my sarcasm font above. :cool:


Gear Empress
Mar 10, 2016
Just behind home plate
Not sure what you should do, by I can tell you that if your coach ignores this that is what should NOT happen. I’m watching a team implode currently and one of the issues is a player who acts similarly towards her teammates. My advice to my daughter wn DD is to remind the player that if she thinks she is a leader, it’s tome to lead. Leaders don’t act like divas, and divas have never inspired anyone

Our coach didn't ignore her. He said about benching her. I'm hoping this little bit of drama goes away before the start of summer season. But I think she thinks if she brings me down it will make her more powerful. She isn't the field leader like she thinks she is. If anything, my teammates look to me more than they look to her. I think that's eating her up.
Jun 8, 2016
What's the best way to deal with this diva? Safe to say, I really vented after this.

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Move on. Coaches coach, players play. Sounds like the coach is going to handle it and if he doesn't, since this is a MS team, you can either quit and not play MS ball or deal with it.

It amazes me how these diva stories pop up all the time here. In almost 20 years of playing baseball and basketball I never ran into anything like this. Either it is a sign of the times or it is
something that happens more with girls than boys..maybe a combination of both.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Move on. Coaches coach, players play. Sounds like the coach is going to handle it and if he doesn't, since this is a MS team, you can either quit and not play MS ball or deal with it.

It amazes me how these diva stories pop up all the time here. In almost 20 years of playing baseball and basketball I never ran into anything like this. Either it is a sign of the times or it is
something that happens more with girls than boys..maybe a combination of both.

It's more a sign of the times since now every kid is told they're "special" and is entitled to having their whole world revolve solely around them. God forbid we actually make them earn everything they get like we did growing up; especially respect. Can we get a participation trophy over here for this one please?! (We really need a sarcasm font)
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Nov 26, 2010
Our coach didn't ignore her. He said about benching her. I'm hoping this little bit of drama goes away before the start of summer season. But I think she thinks if she brings me down it will make her more powerful. She isn't the field leader like she thinks she is. If anything, my teammates look to me more than they look to her. I think that's eating her up.

As long as you didn't get dragged into the discussion of whose fault it was, and didn't point out the girls who made the bad throws in that last inning. Then you are the bigger person and have shown the girls on your team who is the better teammate and leader. Sounds like the coach handled it correctly and so did you.
Feb 4, 2015
There's an old saying... "“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

This girl already has a history of inappropriate behavior toward her teammates and nobody considers her comments as credible. Your teammates also know who made the errors without you lowering yourself to point it out.

She wants a fight, don't give it to her. I would say don't even engage her, as doing so gives her comments credence that they don't deserve . Maybe just turn to the coach and say, "Coach, seriously?" And end it there. Be just as much of a leader by what you don't say, as what you do say.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
It's amusing and maddening to see teenagers calling each other out as if their own Hall of Fame credentials were already hanging on the wall. I've seen this happen more on school ball teams than on competitive ones and, more often than not, the one throwing the rocks can barely tie their own shoes. I can't imagine anything more corrosive, and it should receive a VERY aggressive response from the coaches. I hope he follows through on his threat to bench her, but she never should have been allowed to finish her first sentence. If it happens again, she should be invited to find a new team.
Oct 4, 2016
Time to move on, focus should be on Softball and playing. Why spend all the energy and effort thinking about, talking about the SS? It does no good. Nip it in the bud at the beginning and be done with unproductive behavior, don't be part of it. If you are good with your play at catcher, move on. There are more games ahead of you, much more to focus on than your SS.

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