Batting Instructions during front toss.

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Oct 2, 2017
Hi guys, I'm the only one who gives my DD batting instructions. Its just me and her during a session. How do you guys who do the same, see what the player is doing wrong mechanically if your the one doing the front toss. In other words I don't have a side view to see what's going on mechanically. If she is hitting tee work then I have that ability, just not on front toss. Any suggestions?
Feb 14, 2019
Hi guys, I'm the only one who gives my DD batting instructions. Its just me and her during a session. How do you guys who do the same, see what the player is doing wrong mechanically if your the one doing the front toss. In other words I don't have a side view to see what's going on mechanically. If she is hitting tee work then I have that ability, just not on front toss. Any suggestions?
Get that DW of yours out there to toss to her while you instruct :)
Apr 20, 2018
You should be able to see enough from the front position. A cue I give is "just like its on the tee swing". For example you should be able to tell if she is drifting forward as she launches or did she release her rear elbow off her torso. Did she stay in her posture, ect. Unless she hits it directly into the screen and you blink like me LOL
Jun 8, 2016
You should be able to see enough from the front position. A cue I give is "just like its on the tee swing". For example you should be able to tell if she is drifting forward as she launches or did she release her rear elbow off her torso. Did she stay in her posture, ect. Unless she hits it directly into the screen and you blink like me LOL
Blink? I still put my glove up and try and catch it when DD hits it back into the screen (I have to throw with a glove..feels strange not to..) LOL!! DD gets a kick out of
Aug 24, 2018
Film it. I put an iPad on a chair and just let it run. Better yet get a linkspyder. Then you also have a tool to show DD what looks great and what opportunities are there for improvement
Oct 2, 2017
You should be able to see enough from the front position. A cue I give is "just like its on the tee swing". For example you should be able to tell if she is drifting forward as she launches or did she release her rear elbow off her torso. Did she stay in her posture, ect. Unless she hits it directly into the screen and you blink like me LOL

I can usually tell if she is leading with the front shoulder up and out in stead of staying down and in. And if she is keep good posture.
Jun 8, 2016
Yeah, she would probably hit DD more than giving her something to hit LOL
I usually just give her some instructions before we hit and then don't say much during the session other than to remember what we are working on. Like RH said, some things are easier to pick up from in front than others. That said when I am tossing "windmill" to her I have a hard time seeing much. I can see a lot more if I am sitting on a bucket/chair and throwing to her.
Jun 10, 2010
Agree with RecentAddict....Video video video. The girls that I work with one on one make the most progress... because we video every a few specific drills for feel or correction...then a few swings with a focus on what we are working on. They end up doing more good reps than bad. I still get amazed at what I miss at times with the eye...compared to video.

You can buy phone or ipad mounts fairly cheap as well as a 50" tripod. Well worth it.
50" tripod
Iphone mounts

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