Batting 9 vs roster batting

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Dec 13, 2019
It depends on the strength of your team. When we first started travel ball, seeding was extremely important to us. We experienced far too many 'one and dones' on Sunday, so we wanted to strengthen our position. As the quality of our team improved, the seeding was not as important. We were confident we could compete no matter what our seed was.

Playing 6 or 7 games in a weekend instead of 4 also takes care of a lot of your playing time challenges. There is a lot more playing time to share when you play those extra games.
Willing to bet you made the best out of every player on your roster while you did that too.
In other words no one got shorted because everyone had a place to contribute somewhere.
I'm just guessing at that...

what I think a good roster is, where everybody can contribute somewhere.
And anybody can play on any given day!
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Willing to bet you made the best out of every player on your roster while you did that too.
In other words no one got shorted because everyone had a place to contribute somewhere.
I'm just guessing at that...

what I think a good roster is, where everybody can contribute somewhere.
And anybody can play on any given day!

This is where the value of of developing ballplayers is. Having players that are only effective at one spot on the field is limiting. Not every player has to be good at every position, but being able to play 2-3 positions competently allows for flexibility that helps everyone get a chance to play.
Jul 16, 2013
This is where the value of of developing ballplayers is. Having players that are only effective at one spot on the field is limiting. Not every player has to be good at every position, but being able to play 2-3 positions competently allows for flexibility that helps everyone get a chance to play.
Exactly. Not only does it give the coach the flexibility to mix and match for playing time purposes, but it also develops depth for those times when someone isn't available because of injury, family vacation, etc.
Jun 8, 2016
DD’s coach knows what he is doing but is fair to a fault IMO. That said it is better to err on that side vs the other way around (see that other thread…) We’ll see what he does this season as the competition will ratchet up..
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Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I'm a "bat the roster" adherent...provided that all are doing their best to get better.

On an older team I was helping with, we were doing team BP at an indoor facility. My particular station had some downtime, and I asked two nearby players if they wanted some extra swings. It was no coincidence that these two particular players were the worst hitters on the team. They declined, and continued their socializing.

I made sure the HC knew about that, and they both steadily saw their opportunities decrease, especially in later bracket games. Both were eventually given ultimatums. One quit, and the other was so far behind that she rarely got off the bench.

As players get older, the tougher everything gets. Poor performance coupled with laziness, especially DURING team practice, should result in fewer opportunities. It's absolutely unfair to those putting in the work to lose innings, ABs, or games because others are mailing it in.
Oct 15, 2013
Seattle, WA
Written this before, but here you go:

If you are going to not bat your roster, then the game better matter. Most Pool games don't matter. Friendlies don't matter. Many bracket games don't matter.

If you are REALLY a travel team and you are even a half-way decent coach....
  • Bat as many as you can in any game not on bracket day. Preferably everyone if the rules allow it.
  • Even on bracket day, early in the day, if you KNOW you are going to WIN (because you are so much better) or LOSE (because you are so much worse) bat as many as you can
  • USE DP/FLEX - you can get an extra player into the game - if the difference between say player 8 and player 12 isn't that much, DP/FLEX is a total godsend.
  • If you are winning or losing by more than 8, then you better empty that bench.
  • You can re-enter EVERY player once; so you can run for your batting lineup; even if it doesn't add speed it gets people in the game
Even on bracket day, I found a way to get EVERYONE in the game in some role. It doesn't have to be batting, but they get in. I always felt I failed if I didn't.
Jul 31, 2019
It was communicated to the parents in the fall. I feel like some won't see much field time on Sundays. They have the same issues with fielding as hitting. No work at home and it really shows. I feel it is a bit drastic at this age and that's why I asked for opinions. It's not set in stone but it is being considered.
I agree that pool play is for everyone, bracket you hit your best 9, play your best 10

regarding the 2-3 that will be impacted, I’ve always had a mid year one-on-one review with each player/parents to walk through where the player is at. Stats, attitude, drive, strengths, and opportunities. I first ask the player in the meeting to do a self evaluation on these then provide my feedback. I encourage the parents to stay in the background. We are usually more aligned than one might expect. By time it’s done, they walk out knowing my expectations and where they stand. At that point it’s up to them to put in the time, and if they don’t, sitting on Sunday won’t come as s surprise.
Feb 24, 2022
I would have a conversation with the parents and players in question. Let them know why you picked their kids for the team - that you see the potential in them to be better players. Ask them point blank what their goals are as players and what they want out of their experience with the team. Then tell them your expectations and goals for the team. In my experience, issues happen when coaches/parents/players aren't on the same page regarding expectations. It doesn't matter if your expectations as a coaching staff are to play in the most competitive tournaments you can and go to nationals or to just develop players and play in friendlies, make sure the players and parents are on board.

Given what you have said, I don't think batting 9 on Sundays is an issue. Find ways to put your girls in a position to succeed - there has to be something that they can do well. But it all starts with effort, that's what you need to reward first.

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