What would you expect coaches/tournament directors to do differently when we return back to play

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Jun 8, 2016
Umpires that switch from water from l their first 4 games to gin and juice for their last game may have to adjust. LOL.

Nov 26, 2010
For the sake of this discussion, assume that we return back to play in mid May-June 1st. I understand that may not be possible but I would rather not discuss when we are returning.

What would you expect or like to see coaches and tournament directors implement to reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus?

A few ideas;

Each team gets their own balls. Could limit the transfer of the disease from one team to the other. Clean the balls between innings.

Clean dugouts between games. I am talking disinfecting the dugouts. Similar to what you see the workers at Costco doing to their shopping carts. If you have not seen it they are using a sprayer with some kind of disinfectant. You would have to schedule games further apart to do this.

No sharing of softball equipment. Including bats.

One of the bigger issues I would see is the bathrooms. This would be an issue, especially if they are using portable toilets.

Limit the number of spectators. This would suck but it should help to an extent. 1 parent per player, no siblings. Sounds shitty but if that is what it takes it can be done.
If these things are necessary, then there will be no games
Aug 1, 2019
Pre-game meetings with the ump at home and each coach at their respective dugout gate?
Mound visits where no one but the pitcher may be inside the circle?
Enforcing the coaching box lines which are now a minimum of six feet away from the baseline?
Dugout benches 72 feet long?

Anything that is implemented is only partial measures aimed at preventing team to team transmission. It cannot address transmission within the team and consequently spreading to families.

We're getting to the point where enough people are saying life has risks. Let's get on with it. The problem will be finding organizations willing to proceed when the possibility of wrongful death still looms. That comes back to governors, CDC, lawyers, etc. having all the power.
Oct 3, 2019
I doubt there would be any tournaments at the larger softball complexes. Perhaps. we'll be reduced to only Rec. games with no travel tournaments at all.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I saw an article about how one large tournament was thinking. Let me track it down... It was a decent attempt though probably still not workable.

Most people are overlooking one big issue.

I love my fellow umpires, but many of them fall into the 'vulnerable' group just based on their age (whether they want to admit it or not). Even if you let them call balls and strikes from behind the pitcher (which has been proposed and btw is a TERRIBLE idea) I don't see how we could locally assign enough umpires to run a tournament even if we went to one per game.

In my umpire room I would have to say at least half.

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