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Mar 8, 2012
South Carolina
I see two things wrong, well maybe a possible three.

1. My players do not talk back to any officials, fans, players, coaches or their parents while on my field. They direct their complaint to me and I then explain to her or approach the ump(s). They get out of line I will immediately remove them from the game. If blue decides to come over I will stop him before he reaches our bench.

2. NO one will yell at my girls on our team. I do not care if it is even their parents during my time with them or while at the field.

I have coached rec for 4 years and JV for 4 years. I have had an umpire try to approach one of our players twice. Both times where due to poor attitude of the pitchers. I cut them off before the circle and tell them to call the pitches and leave the talking to me. Both times those girls sat the bench for the remaining innings of the game.

3. Problem here is a parent always sees it worse than what it actually was. Sorry, I do the same also with mine.
Mar 13, 2010
Player was out of line for her remark to the umpire. Lucky she wasn't tossed for that comment.

Umpire is out of line for yelling at a player. (in a junior comp anyways, seniors all bets are off) He should be going to her coach and chastising the coach. He should not have continued yelling at the player after the incident, therby prolonging it.

Asst coach should be gone for doing nothing.

What was so important the coach couldn't be there?


Jun 22, 2008
Exactly! Can we start calling it the pitchers circle and stop calling it the mound? It's a flat circle, not a hill.

Unless it is a tournament in Drifton where they need to use the local LL fields for large tournaments :)

But I agree. If there is a mound, you are on the wrong field, playing the wrong game......or you are on the wrong web site ;)
Jan 8, 2012
Aurora, IL
We have had an umpire give pitching advice before. I just told blue thanks for the advice. Ours is not a flat pitching circle, it is a rutted pit ;) Well actually now we cannot see it, need to wait for a foot of snow to melt.
Nov 26, 2010
There is no mount or mound in fastpitch : )

Somebody needs to tell Sue Enquist about the no mound in Softball thing.

BTW if you haven't seen the video of this speech, its on youtube in 5 or 6 segments, it should be a must view for all softball people. She also has videos on youtube on what she looks for in different positions when she was recruiting. Its all very good stuff from someone who has had just about the most successful career anyone in NCAA softball has ever had.
Oct 3, 2012
I agree with some of the earlier posters, at no time are my players permitted to question an umpire's decision. That is the responsibility of the coaching staff if the need arises. As for the umpire, a warning to the coach should have been sufficient. If the girl reacts again she will be tossed from the game. That puts it squarely in the coaches hands to diffuse the situation, of which i would have pulled the girl from the mound anyhow because she was:
a.) Not making the proper corrections to avoid the illegal pitch.
b.) She had already antagonized the umpire.
Neither of which were going correct themselves. As for the umpire, his game mangement regardless of his side of the story, was an utter failure. He took an already volatile situation and made it worse by approaching the mound. He had every right to continue to call the game as he saw it illegal pitches and all and if the player continued her objections, have her removed from the game. However, he chose to portray himself as an antagonist as well. Not a good situation for anyone.
Jul 14, 2010
No player on my teams is allowed to talk to an umpire beyond "Good Afternoon, Blue", "Thank You", or "Yes Sir (Ma'am)". If any of my players ever expressed an opinion to the umpire about a call that was made, they'd be riding the pine, plain and simple.

That said, if an umpire ever walked out to yell at my pitcher, I'd get there before he did. :)

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