Short term goals for pitching

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Nov 13, 2020
DD is entering 14u and has been pitching for about 3 years now. On a solid B team, currently 3rd pitcher on her her new team. Good chances for her to move up - she is showing a lot of potential. Trying to help with setting short term quantifiable goals for games. Anyone else do this? I know it will vary depending on the competition we play but I feel like setting up monthly and some cumulative goals will push her harder - things like x% strikeouts, % of walks, etc. thoughts or ideas?
Jun 19, 2020
Yes, DD sets goal at the beginning of each season. Travel goals are obviously different than high school softball goals. She will also set a yearly goal in relation to velocity. She watches swing and miss % as well. At 14U I would track first pitch strikes, walks, K's. We tied hard to set realistic goals, and a few stretch goal as well. DD never liked it but I always tracked hits on an 0-2 / 1-2 count, that will drive me crazy. Doesn't happen near as much now thank goodness.
Nov 18, 2015
Personally, while I would love to see my daughter's K% go up, I'd focus on the "controllable's", and less on the stats that have multiple inputs (such as the batters ability to hit).

Strike% would be good (I believe GC assumes every pitch swung at is a strike), and walk % as you mentioned. We also play 14B - it's still mostly about consistency. So as a starter list, I'd go with:
  • %strikes
  • %walks
  • #pitches/inning
  • #WPs
  • first pitch strikes to x% of batters faced
Aug 23, 2016
My DD (14 YO, playing up in 16U) measures her success a couple of ways:

1. Is she hitting her spots? Her HC checks with the catcher every inning and lets DD know how she's doing throughout the game.

2. How's her movement? Are her pitches moving the way they're supposed to? This is also something that HC checks with the catcher and discusses with DD during the game.

I think it's harder to quantify the goals as the players get older. Strike percentage is helpful - you don't want it too low but you also don't want it too high - and pitches per inning is also helpful because you want them more efficient. But a lot of DD's improvement in the last year has been her ability to think less about balls and strikes and more about executing her coach's plan.
Oct 4, 2020
Personally, while I would love to see my daughter's K% go up, I'd focus on the "controllable's", and less on the stats that have multiple inputs (such as the batters ability to hit).

Strike% would be good (I believe GC assumes every pitch swung at is a strike), and walk % as you mentioned. We also play 14B - it's still mostly about consistency. So as a starter list, I'd go with:
  • %strikes
  • %walks
  • #pitches/inning
  • #WPs
  • first pitch strikes to x% of batters faced
Firmly agree here. What would be acceptable goals for each of these for a first year 16U pitcher?
Apr 8, 2019
My DD (14 YO, playing up in 16U) measures her success a couple of ways:

1. Is she hitting her spots? Her HC checks with the catcher every inning and lets DD know how she's doing throughout the game.

2. How's her movement? Are her pitches moving the way they're supposed to? This is also something that HC checks with the catcher and discusses with DD during the game.

I think it's harder to quantify the goals as the players get older. Strike percentage is helpful - you don't want it too low but you also don't want it too high - and pitches per inning is also helpful because you want them more efficient. But a lot of DD's improvement in the last year has been her ability to think less about balls and strikes and more about executing her coach's plan.
Exactly what I was thinking. Hitting your spot seems more important than throwing strikes. In fact my kid's coach will call pitches outside the strike zone somewhat regularly. But I'm not sure how to measure spot within knowing what he called.

I wonder if I could talk him into giving me a wristband without him thinking I'm crazy. ?
Jan 28, 2017
DD is 16 and a strike machine. She has made a goal of not giving up any hits with an 0-2 count. A little different than most goals but a good one for her for sure. Sometimes she needs you to call pitches off the plate early in the count. Drives me crazy that she want throw out of the zone some because she has a good feel for it but is going to do whatever the coach calls. Her mom raised her a lot better than me.

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