Discouraging advice for new pitcher (13yo in 14u)

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Oct 12, 2020
My dd is 13 and starting formal lessons today. Her pc pitched in college and only started in high school.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
A pitching coach turning away a client.....stupid. The answer should have been "sure I'll teach whoever will pay me."
As an instructor
Disagree with
'sure I'll teach whoever will pay me'.

instructors should have standards!
There are instructors that have different standards and different reasons for those.
(Cannot speak to the original OP situation, because have not seen the player. Nor instructor reasonings for saying 'seriously')
That said,
Do think that there's a place for everybody in softball but everybody doesn't get to be in the same place.
Which may discourage some but for others just rolls off their back, find what fits.

Being that the best way to get better is to start practicing no matter what age we are,
Good thing there are so many resources now online and interactive online as well that applying ourselves really has nothing to do with paying someone else.

Another good thing to do is go watch other people's lessons. Often held in indoor facilities where anybody can observe.
Good way to make an assessment about instructors to approach them for lessons.
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Jul 16, 2013
If the girl wants to learn to pitch and the parents are in a supporting role, then by all means, full steam ahead.

What used to pain me was seeing girls desperate to please their parents when it was clear that they did not have and never would have the athletic ability they needed.

So, it a pitching instructor can help in the latter case, if possible, wouldn't that be a good thing?
DD's pitching instructor schedules the first lesson for free. This 'lesson' has two goals. First of all, the instructor wants to review the student's current status; mechanics, athleticism, etc. It's also an opportunity for the student (and parents) to meet him and ask questions concerning his program. After this lesson, he reviews his program and asks the student/parents to think about it, contacting him at a later time if they intend to continue.

All throughout the process, he is honest (sometimes brutally honest) concerning the student's progress or lack of progress. He offers suggestions and schedules lesson plans accordingly. Those that excel are moved along more quickly. Those that struggle are allowed to progress at their own pace. He will also provide updates to the parents periodically if they are interested. There have been cases where he has met with the student/parents and explained that he didn't think it was working out, for whatever reason. But he always kept his door open if those students wanted to return down the road.
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