Proud of our 12U team

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Feb 24, 2022
The first weekend in April my daughter's 12U team was in a stacked USSSA tournament in South Jersey featuring 24 high level teams from CT, NY, NJ, PA, MD, and DE. Right out of the gate our first game was against a team who is a top 10 national USSSA team. It was a pitchers duel and our opponent scraped out 1 run in the 5th inning and that proved to be the only run. So even though we lost 1-0, it proved to our girls that we can play with any team in our area. After going 2-1 on Saturday, we battled through the Sunday Gold bracket finding ourselves up by a couple runs against a tough team from MD in the semis. The rains came, and after a 30-40 min delay we go back on defense and our pitcher lost her form and we gave up the lead and lost the game by a run.

We had a lot of success in the Fall in smaller tournaments, so it's not a Cinderella story, but being a hair away from the championship game in such a high level regional tournament felt great. Our team is not a national "name" team. We're just a consistent organization that generally puts good teams on the field. Our 12U added 4 new girls this Fall (my daughter included) and basically from our first tournament in the Fall it all just gelled and we've caught lightning in a bottle. My daughter had loved her time with the team and we're really enjoying the ride.

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