Opinions about leg slap

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Jun 7, 2015
I've got a kid that has started slapping her leg on her release. I did this myself for years. PC tried to change it but ironically not doing it slowed my velocity down. Plus, it was just stuck. I've read where the slap tips hitters and others say it's not that big of an issue. Opinions?

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Jun 18, 2012
Given there is a pinching together of the arms, as the core pinches (Pauly's "bow-flex-bow"), I see no problem with a slight slap. I think it's worse for that glove arm to just dangle, and it would greatly reduce the pinch within the core.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
There are much greater sins than slapping the leg on release. Is it optimal? No. Does it tip the hitters? Highly unlikely. I would work to fix it but would not obsess over it.
Jun 7, 2015
There are much greater sins than slapping the leg on release. Is it optimal? No. Does it tip the hitters? Highly unlikely. I would work to fix it but would not obsess over it.

Out of curiosity, what is optimal? What is the opposite of the leg slap? All my pitcher friends seemed to do it, too.

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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Out of curiosity, what is optimal?

She should bring her glove down to touch or tap the inside of the upper thigh.

The pitcher should not violently "whip" her glove into her leg with her wrist. The pitcher should not hit her leg hard enough to cause bruising or even a red spot. If she did that 400 to 500 times a day, and the pitcher might end up with real real problems.

What is the opposite of the leg slap?

Again, I dislike the term "leg slap". That suggest beating the heck out of the leg.

What is the opposite of touching the leg with the glove?

Pitching incorrectly.

All high-to-mid level pitchers bring their glove down.

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Jun 7, 2015
Got it. I definitely slapped and that's what this girl is starting to do as well. I've always heard that the ideal is to have the glove whip behind the back.

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May 24, 2010
Check the video at 0:12.

Lacey's left thigh is quite red because of slapping.
I woundn't mind about that. In fact, I would encourage a pitcher to have a slight slapp

Last edited:
Dec 20, 2012
She should bring her glove down to touch or tap the inside of the upper thigh.

The pitcher should not violently "whip" her glove into her leg with her wrist. The pitcher should not hit her leg hard enough to cause bruising or even a red spot. If she did that 400 to 500 times a day, and the pitcher might end up with real real problems.

Again, I dislike the term "leg slap". That suggest beating the heck out of the leg.

What is the opposite of touching the leg with the glove?

Pitching incorrectly.

All high-to-mid level pitchers bring their glove down.


Keilani I brings her arm down bet never touches her leg. Probably one of the very few you see do it.

My dd was a heavy slapper when she was young. Thigh would be RED after practice. Not sure when it went away but she still slaps just not nearly as hard as she did when younger. I think the body's self preservation mechanisms kick in and say "STOP
Jun 7, 2015
Keilani I brings her arm down bet never touches her leg. Probably one of the very few you see do it.

My dd was a heavy slapper when she was young. Thigh would be RED after practice. Not sure when it went away but she still slaps just not nearly as hard as she did when younger. I think the body's self preservation mechanisms kick in and say "STOP

My dad thought the same thing about me, that I'd stop because it hurt, but the opposite happened. I swear my nerves are literally shot in my left leg. It got to the point where I couldn't feel the slap any more. Lol. Hence, trying to figure out how to correct the issue in my youngster.

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