Obstruction or not?

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Jul 21, 2009
This is probably a "had to be there", but I'll try to describe...

R1 on 1st. Batter shows bunt, F1, F3, F5 all crash home. F3 straight down the baseline. Batter puts ball down just left of straight line toward pitcher and takes off. ~7-10' down the line, B/R ends up going around F3 who's heading home. F5 picks up the ball and makes the throw beating the runner by about a step and a half.

F3 is physically inside the baseline, but her shoulders are probably on the baseline.

Could it POSSIBLY be obstruction?
Jun 22, 2010
It's certainly possible. ASA, by case play, says the umpire has to decide which ONE fielder to protect under the obstruction rule (most other codes are similar). If the ball is left of the pitcher (I'm assuming my left, as plate umpire, i.e. third base side), that protected fielder is not likely to be F3. The batter can pick her path to first, absent any issues with the running lane, and the fielder has to get out of her way. And, there need not be contact for obstruction.

We don't wait to see whether the batter is out or by how much. We call the obstruction when it happens. Sounds quite possible from your description that I would have obstruction here.
Jun 22, 2008
Doesnt matter where the batter/runner was, they can pick any path they want to 1st base. If F3 was not fielding the batted ball, they had no right to impede the progress of the batter/runner
Jul 21, 2009
F3 did not field the ball. PU ran up the 3rd base line to pick up R1 in case there was a play at 3rd. BU is new and still learning. I don't think she knew to look for it. One of the parents got the assistant coach to ask PU about it, but he wasn't watching B/R.

Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I just wanted to make sure I understood.
May 27, 2008
Pace, FL
F3 did not field the ball. PU ran up the 3rd base line to pick up R1 in case there was a play at 3rd. BU is new and still learning. I don't think she knew to look for it. One of the parents got the assistant coach to ask PU about it, but he wasn't watching B/R.

Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I just wanted to make sure I understood.

PU should have trailed the runner a few steps (or at minimum, stayed near the plate until the ball was fielded and thrown), then moved to cover a potential play at 3B. PU has responsibility for pulled foot at 1B. From this position PU could have seen the OBS. Either umpire can call OBS.
Sep 14, 2011
Glendale, AZ
This play is DEFINITELY Obstruction. As a matter of fact, it is a case pay that I use when I teach obstruction.

I have had this same play and have called the obstruction and awarded the b/r first base.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I'm putting on my contrarion hat again. What's to prevent the batter/runner from intentionally picking a course directly at the 1B (no matter where they are) to get an OBS call?
Jun 22, 2008
I'm putting on my contrarion hat again. What's to prevent the batter/runner from intentionally picking a course directly at the 1B (no matter where they are) to get an OBS call?

That question was already answered several times in the other thread. If it is obvious the batter/runner or runner is purposely going out of their way to draw an obstruction call, then it is not obstruction and very probable to be unsportsman like conduct. But, there is also no requirement for the batter/runner to run in the baseline, and as is typical of slappers, many times they end up several feet inside the diamond on a slap or bunt. Their direct path to 1st base is now a diagonal line somewhat across the diamond. If f3 is not fielding the ball and blocks this path making the batter/runner deviate from her chosen running line, it is obstruction.
Nov 17, 2010
But, there is also no requirement for the batter/runner to run in the baseline, and as is typical of slappers, many times they end up several feet inside the diamond on a slap or bunt. Their direct path to 1st base is now a diagonal line somewhat across the diamond.

Comp, in the scenario you describe here is the batter runner at risk of drawing an interference call if the direct path to 1st puts the player in the way of the throw to first? I've seen umpires warn batter runners to run on the foul side of the 1st baseline.

Apologies if this is a bit off topic...

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