need an opinion on this situation

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Sep 15, 2016
had an incident yesterday at a friendly game between 2 of my players. in-between innings the girls on the bench warm up the outfield. during one of these warm ups one of the girls anted to warm up playing 3-way, the girl she asked didn't want to and so the first girl threw the ball hitting the 2nd girl in the head /eye area. the hit girl ended up going to the ER and again to her doctor today with a concussion and possible orbital fracture. the girl that threw the ball admitted why she threw the ball saying that she was mad that 1st girl didn't want to play 3-way so I threw the ball at her. 2nd girl was sent home with parent/parents.

My question is, what should the punishment be for the girl that threw the ball? right now she is suspended until the 10u rep(me) and the coach and the president of the league come to a decision.

has anyone ever ran into this before? if so what was the course of action?
Sep 29, 2014
If she admits to intentionally throwing the ball at the girl on purpose in anger when she knew the girl was not looking I don't have a problem suspending her for a while.

What age group are we talking about? at 10U maybe just a game or two and count it a learning experience if we are talking 16U then maybe until the injured girl comes back, if it will be a couple weeks. Girls need to understand you could permanently injury someone exactly how would she feel if that girl lost her sight? It also might depend on the girl is she is a troublemaker always doing stupid stunts and has been warned before to stop horseplay. Is this rec or TB?
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Jun 22, 2008
My son was annoying my daughter one day, he was about 5-6 at the time and she was around 10. He was sticking his head in front of her face while watching TV and she grabbed him by the back of the head and smashed his face into the arm rest of the couch. He didnt cry at the time so we thought there wasnt any real damage until I turned around about 30 minutes later and his lip was swollen out past his nose, his tooth was loose and then turned black the next day. Her punishment was she was grounded until all the swelling went down in his lip and he could eat right again. She also was responsible to tell anyone what had happened to her brother any time we were in public and they asked what had happened to his lip. She ended up being grounded for a little over a month.

If the girl that was hit has to sit out a while because of the injury, I would bench the girl that threw the ball until she can return to play. Yes they are young, but at 10 they should know full well purposely throwing the ball at someone, especially their face is completely unacceptable and could cause serious injury.

I should add, assuming you allow her to remain on the team.
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Aug 29, 2011
...the girl that threw the ball admitted why she threw the ball saying that she was mad that 1st girl didn't want to play 3-way so I threw the ball at her...
This may sound cold but since it was intentional, tossing her from the team would be my likely action.

Had it been accidental, very different reaction.
Oct 30, 2014
I would never let a player who intentionally hit another player in the face with a ball back on my team.

She sounds like the kind of person I wouldn't have wanted to play catch with either.
Aug 29, 2011
After reading this, I want to add something to my previous already too long post.

One of the biggest reasons I remained friends with the guy who threw the rock was that he never intended to hit me with the rock. Had he intended to hit me, our friendship would've ended that day.

I don't know if the girl should be thrown off the team or not. There are a lot of factors, and it certainly is an option. A lot of it depends on the other factors I mentioned. If the girl who was hit and her family demand the thrower be tossed from the team, from a CYA standpoint there may be no choice in the matter.

Your story sounds a lot more like kids being kids and stupid **** happens sometimes.

The OPs story sounds more like a spiteful kid trying to hurt a team mate who said they didn't want to play catch with her.

Other than facial injuries I don't see the stories having much in common.

But then I wasn't there and am just basing my reaction on a short 3 paragraph post and don't have all the facts.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Your story sounds a lot more like kids being kids and stupid **** happens sometimes.

The OPs story sounds more like a spiteful kid trying to hurt a team mate who said they didn't want to play catch with her.

Other than facial injuries I don't see the stories having much in common.

But then I wasn't there and am just basing my reaction on a short 3 paragraph post and don't have all the facts.

Very true.

Neither of us have all the facts. The appropriate punishment could range from a 1-2 game suspension to time in Juvenal detention. Depends on the things we DON'T know.

IF my friend had thrown the rock with malice, or had caused me to lose an eye (which the eye dr. said would've happened if my glasses hadn't stopped the rock), things would be very different.

I'm not arguing with you at all. I would give a more serious punishment for a malicious act. Thing is, a kid that young may not have realized how dangerous a thrown ball to the face could be. Kids that age really are that stupid. The OP is in a very tough situation. That is why I suggested consulting with the family of the girl hit by the ball, seeing if there was a fracture, and seeing if the thrower and her family took responsibility for her action.

Thing is, I have never coached a team, and it is very doubtful I ever will coach a team.

This is a VERY tough call for the coach, how best to teach a lesson and also maintain team discipline.

I am getting tired of violence now. I am in San Francisco on business, and the building was locked down today because of a mass murder at a UPS about half a mile or so away from here.
Jun 29, 2013
As 10u rep, your sole job is to dole out suspension in this case, and to do so justly. Let the tort system determine any reparations, and deal with this as a teachable moment. Not knowing how long your season is, I'm hesitant to recommend any length of a suspension but you're certainly justified in doling one out. You would also be in the right if you thought no further suspension is needed, if you wanted to ban her from all stars, or if you wanted to let her coach decide to keep her on the bench for a game or two. Just make sure the kid who does this, as well as everyone else, understands this can't happen again. If it were me, I'd probably tell the coach he can bench her for a game or two, but keep her around the team so she sees what she is missing.

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