Haley’s HLP lesson with Richard

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on the journey
Nov 9, 2015
SE Wisconsin
I don't necessarily mind what he teaches, as when i put it all together, it is his interpretation on how to get to the end result. I think he uses overbaked concepts that still work to the student to the end result. I see individually if you take each concept separately (like i have) you can get a very ugly swing.

I believe the concept of one legged helps get the hitter in a more 60/40 over back foot. It also helps keep the swing from fully rotating or becoming 'spinny'. ie 'Hit the ball with your hip'. I do feel there is somewhat of a release of the femur ball, but i do not know technically what that is. You have to have pressure into the 'coil of the back leg' to release and feel it though.

I also believe the 'snap' is an overbake, as my DD dumped the barrel when doing that specifically. But i do get the concept as it ties to TTB. If you watch Richard though, his rear arm never supinates immediately and his front arm doesn't pronate immediately unless he is doing that one iso drill for demonstration (just like big leaguers showing their 'feels'). Otherwise the front wrist is doing more ulnar deviation ( i think that is correct term) and the rear wrist is following the forearm down as the elbow slots then later supinating but not immediate.

IMO this is more 'holding on for dear life' vs the 'snap' that starts the launch. Just like if you were driving down the road at 70mph and put your hand out the window, if you don't brace your arm with your muscles, your arm will fly straight back due to the wind. The snap, IMO, is the same bracing along with getting into the supination punch extension to whip the barrel into the ball.

Then the momentum aspect is strictly timing. He says alot of things about it and tries to keep the front foot off, but unlike the tennis player used in gif on this site, i dont think he ever states to swing with front foot off ground. Get there early to get on time. Same concept, just talked about a different way. I think he likes to promote the foot off the ground again to promote 'one legged' which again to me just means stay back and get good posture and tilt allowing the hands to launch the swing. If it all were immediate, and missed timing would not allow a hitter to adjust. again, just my 2 cents.

Nice thread Mike, thanks for sharing.
Aug 20, 2017
There are a lot of good drills in this thread that I feel will help get hitters into good positions. I especially like the one on controlling the forward move while maintaining coil. I also like starting hitters with hands tight and barrel on bicep (upper arm) with good posture and both feet turned slightly inward to feel coil. The coil and swing (no stride) drill and the coil - stride - freeze swings. Controlling the forward move with the rear leg we all agree on and everyone agrees on maintaining some coil. I see benefit in using those without the hand pivot stuff.
Mar 19, 2009
Southern California
Some great though provoking questions. Don’t mind getting off track a little as long as we don’t end up in the weeds. My intent was basically to be a fly on the wall during Hale’s lesson with Richard and to share with those that might be interested in it. I know I’ve done well when Pattar joins in , although he’s as committed as my brother in law was , engaged for 12 years, and gives his observations. I always look forward to him.

Not looking to debate the merits of this swing that’s been done way to much IMO but help those that are interested in this swing. A very good comment from fanboi22 about some things being over baked. I’ve also learned to read between the lines. Language has slippage, ask any Coach about what I said vs what I meant.
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Oct 2, 2017
Yes, but easy to stop, since the first move is backwards. How do you stop a swing when the first move is forward?

When the move is all forward, that’s why a change up is so lethal.

I agree that you can check the swing with Rich's swing style. I think the idea that you can't is because by Rich's method the snap of the barrel is the launch of the swing, that "puts the foot down". Unless I'm mischaracterizing, Remember that in this method the leverage is all in the rear hip/leg and nothing else the front leg is just for stabilizing like a kick stand, hence the need for the snap of the barrel. I think this is what @texasheat was getting at.

If the first move is forward, its the front hip that keeps one back, but that is not the launch in and of itself. IMO
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Apr 20, 2018
Nothing personal, but for the love of God, I will never understand the reasoning behind a one legged swing. I will never get the logic of hitting off one leg when you have 2 legs. I will never understand being unbalanced when you could be balanced. In almost all other athletics/ sports athletes employ/leverage both legs. Why would hitting be any different. Nobody (I know of) would suggest pitching/throwing off one leg. You throw off one leg when you have to but it is not optimal. Same goes for tennis forehand.
One more problem I see with one legged swing is that it looks like it would put a lot of unnecessary pressure on lower back.

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