Fairness Re: Injured Player at Tryouts

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Nov 26, 2010
Been reading for years without responding, but when I read "blank them all, it is your team" , got under my skin! How many post am I supposed to make before I say something negative???? Again, this attitude is what I personally think is wrong with amateur sports today! "My team, so just blank you all" WOW! What ever happened to this team is for /about the girls, not only to learn softball skills, but also life lessons in winning and losing, how to compete, how to become a member of a TEAM,how to handle adversity, etc???? Then I read " blank them all, it's your team" Again, WOW!

I think and I might be wrong. But the blank them all is probably aimed at parents or anyone else who might complain about how this one particular girl was chosen. And honestly, in HS it is the coaches team. How that coach decides to form his/her team, right or wrong it's their call.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I also made reference to this being the coach's team.

What I meant is that a high school coach has been given the keys to the team by the school (ie, athletic director and/or principal) So it is his team. He answers to those that employed him, not the players and especially not the parents. Doesn't mean it's OK mistreat or mislead them, but he doesn't answer to them.

In travel ball, it's a little different. While the TB coach is still in charge and has final say, his or her players are more like customers that he needs to keep reasonably satisfied in order to stay in business. Parents are paying dues. Their TB coach should consider and hear parents/players' needs as far as roster size, level of play, player usage, etc.

But in HS ball, parents' opinions don't matter short of an issue of abuse or sportsmanship. It's the school's team, not the parents' or players' team.
Feb 7, 2013
I also made reference to this being the coach's team.

What I meant is that a high school coach has been given the keys to the team by the school (ie, athletic director and/or principal) So it is his team. He answers to those that employed him, not the players and especially not the parents. Doesn't mean it's OK mistreat or mislead them, but he doesn't answer to them.

In travel ball, it's a little different. While the TB coach is still in charge and has final say, his or her players are more like customers that he needs to keep reasonably satisfied in order to stay in business. Parents are paying dues. Their TB coach should consider and hear parents/players' needs as far as roster size, level of play, player usage, etc.

But in HS ball, parents' opinions don't matter short of an issue of abuse or sportsmanship. It's the school's team, not the parents' or players' team.

Yes and no. We pay HS dues of $300 to play for the team and additional $200 for the privilege of riding the school bus to away games. In addition, last time I checked, our tax dollars pay the salaries for the AD, head coach, assistant coaches, etc.

With that said, I think the OP should do what he thinks is best for the team and not be too concerned if there is an upset parents or two. You will never please everyone, nor should you try to.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Been reading for years without responding, but when I read "blank them all, it is your team" , got under my skin! How many post am I supposed to make before I say something negative???? Again, this attitude is what I personally think is wrong with amateur sports today! "My team, so just blank you all" WOW! What ever happened to this team is for /about the girls, not only to learn softball skills, but also life lessons in winning and losing, how to compete, how to become a member of a TEAM,how to handle adversity, etc???? Then I read " blank them all, it's your team" Again, WOW!

Great post this is all you forgot:
Jul 16, 2013
Regardless how unbiased we would like tryouts to be, ultimately the person making the decision more than likely has some type of history or knowledge of at least some of the players. This could be positive or negative knowledge, but either way it will end up being part of the final decision in some way. It is unfortunate that this young lady has an injury that is preventing her from trying out. Personally, I would not hold that against her provided she has medical documentation to support the fact that she is hurt. If my knowledge of her leads me to to believe she would be one of the top 15, I would include her. I do like the idea of speaking with the family to get more information about the injury. If long term, take another player as well.

When you are faced with a "cutting" situation, there will always be hurt feelings. Some of the players/families may realize that the correct decision was made. Some will refuse to believe it no matter the circumstances. In their eyes, you will automatically be unfair, biased, etc. I doubt that will ever change.

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