EXACT National Showcase Camp

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Apr 20, 2017
So many of these type events are money grabs. I’ve been told that volunteer assistants come to these and get a portion of the money so the promoter can claim xyz schools will be in attendance. This is how the volunteer assistants make money for coaching.

I’m sure there have been some players found as these type of events but there are better ways normally to get more bang for your buck. Now the thing to always remember is everyone’s journey is completely different. There are tried and true methods of emails, camps and other things. Then sometimes it’s being in the right place at the right time and magic happens. For us we never attended any of these types of events.
Jan 22, 2011
So many of these type events are money grabs. I’ve been told that volunteer assistants come to these and get a portion of the money so the promoter can claim xyz schools will be in attendance. This is how the volunteer assistants make money for coaching.
I've heard the same thing about most of these camps, including from a volunteer AC on an NFCA webinar. He supplements his income by getting paid to come to these camps.

If you have already reached out to coaches and have good academics, going to this camp might be worth it:
Apr 4, 2021
Thank you both for your replies. Dabears, I'll check that camp out...straight A's so far...knock on wood it continues!
Sep 9, 2019
If you are deciding to go, look at the name of the coaches attending. If it just lists schools, I would avoid.
Head first is where DDs school recruits heavily.
Apr 1, 2021
Northern VA
Good to hear someone else recommend Headfirst!
@V493 that's a discreet screen name, but I'm guessing we know one another based on the Smash logo! We signed Alison up for the EXACT camp. A little concerned it could be a money grab, but the pricing wasn't that bad IMO so figured it was worth the risk. -Scott G
Nov 18, 2015
A local DIII coach gave me a good recommendation for a camp - may have been Ryzer? I believe it's the ones they hold at Randolph Macon College, but will confirm and update this post.
Apr 4, 2021
Been going to the Ryzer camps for years (at GMU)....everyone enjoys those. This EXACT camp is advertised more of a showcase than a camp and the Ryzer camps, at least those we've gone to, are purely skills camps...no "recruiting".

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