Enlighten me on hitting

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Dec 10, 2008
Here she is throwing the ball overhand.Please turn the sound down.I forgot to delete it.
<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/OTMGVWpmU9o&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OTMGVWpmU9o&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

Here is the 8yr old.Whatever it is She does different it works.

<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/t6K1bswCY6g&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t6K1bswCY6g&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>
Dec 10, 2008
I want to thank everyone for thier help.I am going to reread this thread this weekend and try to figure out a gameplan on the tee and throwing.

I know they all need help throwing the right way but we still have league play coming and I have to improve the one DD's hitting atleast a little,i think small diameter bats and small balls as well as tee work like the Mountie suggested should help.

I need to learn the positive move of the swing better also.I'll be here for awhile.LOL.Thanks!
May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
start working on better throwing mechanics right away and if interest stays up work on throwing at least 9- 10 mos per year.

here is what it looks like. you do not really need the balance beam, just use a line on the ground to align the forward motion/linear momentum of the body.

get sideways before breaking the hands
break the hands with elbows up and palms down/out
use short arm action (keep elbows at right angles) as this provides better support for the big/heavy ball.
then scaps load by "lift and pinch",etc, see previous throwing link for verbage.

Wolforth's atletic pitcher program is the best one.

May 12, 2008
She's just better at the same pattern. They will not hit good pitching as they move up to higher levels. Bad news, complete redo if they want to play at higher levels later. Good news, they have all the time in the world.
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
I do understand Epstein has made an adjustment in what he teaches concerning weight shift. Good. Previous to this, my experience is his stuff killed All Star pitching but not so much gold pitching.

The Epstein dvds that I bought back in 2004 reference the importance of getting to a balanced position during the stride and even placing some additional weight on the front foot. He said the same thing on his message board prior to 2004. To my knowledge he has always maintained that collasping the backside is just as bad as lunging. Those are his words from his old website.

In regards to "your experience" that his students don't do well against gold pitching I will make the following factual comments and leave it at that.

1. I've read the same thing on the public forums at EH.com.
2. EH.com is a competitor of Epstein.
3. You have consistently stated that you prefer EH.com's teachings over all others.
4. Epstein's model for what he teaches is Ted Williams. Epstein played for TW for three years in the Major Leagues and was personally mentored by him an additional 9 years.
5. Ted Williams hit "gold" ML pitching better than anyone.
6. Katie Cochran has stated that she has studied TW since she was 11 years old and carries his "Science of Hitting" book with her in her backpack.
7. Katie Cochran is one the most prolific college FP hitters in the history of college FP.
8. According to Epstein's students and parents of his students, many are receiving D1 scholarships and are playing D1 baseball and FP.
9. Epstein has video clips on his website showing the swings of students that have been through his 3 day and 7 day camps. He also has some side by side comparisons of some of his students and ML hitters.

Finally, if the video clip on Epstein's website of the Fleck kid isn't a ML swing capable of hitting "gold" pitching, then just call me dumb. No bat on the deltoid, no sit and spin, no collaspe of the backside etc. Basically, Fleck exhibits none of the characteristics that Epstein's competitors complain about.

Disclaimer: I think it is very important to study the material of all the gurus. I'm actually finding uesful material from many sources including people here on this site.
Dec 10, 2008
I think it is very important to study the material of all the gurus. I'm actually finding useful material from many sources including people here on this site.

For a few days I have been reading up stuff here and on the guru sites. My take is this, I think its important to find someone who is smarter than you and has experience teaching hitting, pitching, whatever. When you pick that person or persons you work very hard at getting it right. I really believe this practice is what makes you successful. I could have the best instructors in the world and if I do not follow what they say and PRACTICE you will still not be very good.

I think thier is a tremendous amount of knowledge here and it has opened my eyes to a few things so far. Now if I do not continue to try to learn my DDers will still not get any better.

Kind of like the parent who takes thier kid to an instructor and drops them off every week and does not work with them during the week themselves.I don't think we can disagree with that!


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
The Epstein dvds that I bought back in 2004 reference the importance of getting to a balanced position during the stride and even placing some additional weight on the front foot. He said the same thing on his message board prior to 2004. To my knowledge he has always maintained that collasping the backside is just as bad as lunging. Those are his words from his old website.

In regards to "your experience" that his students don't do well against gold pitching I will make the following factual comments and leave it at that.

1. I've read the same thing on the public forums at EH.com.
2. EH.com is a competitor of Epstein.
3. You have consistently stated that you prefer EH.com's teachings over all others.
4. Epstein's model for what he teaches is Ted Williams. Epstein played for TW for three years in the Major Leagues and was personally mentored by him an additional 9 years.
5. Ted Williams hit "gold" ML pitching better than anyone.
6. Katie Cochran has stated that she has studied TW since she was 11 years old and carries his "Science of Hitting" book with her in her backpack.
7. Katie Cochran is one the most prolific college FP hitters in the history of college FP.
8. According to Epstein's students and parents of his students, many are receiving D1 scholarships and are playing D1 baseball and FP.
9. Epstein has video clips on his website showing the swings of students that have been through his 3 day and 7 day camps. He also has some side by side comparisons of some of his students and ML hitters.

Finally, if the video clip on Epstein's website of the Fleck kid isn't a ML swing capable of hitting "gold" pitching, then just call me dumb. No bat on the deltoid, no sit and spin, no collaspe of the backside etc. Basically, Fleck exhibits none of the characteristics that Epstein's competitors complain about.

Disclaimer: I think it is very important to study the material of all the gurus. I'm actually finding uesful material from many sources including people here on this site.

Where is the quote you cited in post #37 located in this thread?
Oct 29, 2008
It is good if Epstein is moving towards "putting slightly more weight on the front foot than the back."

A step in the right direction.

If by "slightly more," he means like 90%, it is a REAL step in the right direction.

Reality is that MLB hitters have NO weight on the back foot near contact - or very little. This is why their rear foot is sometimes off the ground at contact, and at the least why they are up on the rear toes (like a ballet dancer).

In his forum in the past, Epstein has stated that the hitter's rear foot being on the toes was a phenomenon only seen against pitches high in the zone.

Not true, as it turns out, and he may well be changing things. Hopefully so. But slightly more weight on thje front foot isn't enough.

And there are NO pictures in his book of hitters on the toeThey are ALWAYS on the sole.

IF that is a part of the drill sequence, and there is a reason for it, fine. May be defensible. Though I personally would have a hard time accepting it under any circumstance.

But I HOPE there won't be a follow-up post indicating what Epstein "really" means. The pictures in his book were selected by him, and they show what they show. So do the web site videos - which HAVE been more carefully selected lately, indicating his beliefs are evolving. Which is to his credit. But that is different than positing that something is what he has "always stated." Thosae of us who first bought - and still own - "Do We Teach What We Really See?' and the "On target" series - plus have frequented his forum, KNOW what he has historically taught.

Epstein is a great guy, BTW, and I love his Mental Side of Hitting materials.


Feb 8, 2009
Don't believe you have to get everything right the first time. You won't. Your thirst for knowledge shows you care enough to take steps to figure it out. You'll learn a little bit more every day, and have fun with your kids in the process. Look at good swings and trust your eyes when you work with your daughter's.
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