Best way to "politely" bring this up to the softball board?

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Jun 18, 2010
We were approached at sign up about a traveling team, which I signed my daughter up for. (10 & U) I was never called or offically told there wasn't gonna be a team - I simply heard through another Mom that there wasn't.
We only have 4 summer league softball teams that we play over & over... and only 9 - 10 girls on a team. Therefore when vacations start we are very short & have to pull from the other 2 teams not playing that night.
I just recently had to call a girl to see if she could play for my daughter as we will not be home to play. Her dad (the one that was gonna be the coach for the traveling team) tells me that his summer league team is playing the out of town teams that didn't want to cancel the games scheduled for the traveling team that didn't happen.
I am naturally a bit upset for many reasons: an opportunity not offered to my daughter, advantage for his team of many more games, disadvantage for all other teams not being able to use his girls when short handed, etc.
This coach is a neighbor & friend... how do I bring my concerns to the board w/out ruffling feathers?
I feel either all girls should have been able to try out & have the opportunity or none! Am I wrong?
May 25, 2010
You're wrong. His team is not required to have open tryouts. He picked the girls he wanted and those are the ones he's using this summer.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Welcome to the dog eat dog world of travel ball. :) We have a REC league ( 6u -18u ), the travel coaches pick the best from the rec to start travel ( 8u and beyond ) No try-out, no guarantee. Feelings get hurt, yes.

My advice to you is if you can, start your own 'travel' team to get good playing experience. Contact other potential good players and parents. You will have more fun playing travel ball than just the same 4 teams over and over. Start now while your DD is young, or you will waste valuable time.

There is nothing the 'board' can do unless the travel team is funded by the league or uses the league ins.

Good luck.
Jun 16, 2010
What you described is not really a travel team. It is just some rec players that maybe want to play a little more than others, and are willing to drive a short ways to do it. My guess is you only signed up as "being interested" in it anyway.

Travel teams play tournaments, and travel distances to play them, sometimes across the city, sometimes across the state, sometimes across the country. For instance, my DDs team will travel 1000+ miles next week to Colorado to spend a week playing some of the other top teams in the country in her age group in one of the biggest showcase tournaments that has 300+ college scouts attending. That is "travel" ball. They dont just go play a couple other teams.

You also dont sign up, you must try out, or are recruited to try out. Often very good players are recruited to come to tryout for a team, and still dont make the team because better girls show up. Possibly players from the year before wont make it the following year either, it is about putting together the best team you can, every year. Failing to do that is a disservice to the good players on the team, even if that means hurting someones feelings.

It sounds like your offended they didnt want your daughter to play with them, also like you thought she had some place on a more elite team just because you signed her up. I dont know what you expect some "board" to do, your expectations seem to have been incorrect.

If she has athletic ability, and wants to be a serious player, she needs to find a "real " travel team ASAP. You might have to drive just 5 min , or maybe an hour or more several days per week to practice depending on where you are located to be on one. It is not unheard of for some families to drive 2+ hrs . Or make the decision that she will always be only a recreational player, and thats fine too if thats what you and she want.
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Jul 3, 2009
We were approached at sign up about a traveling team, which I signed my daughter up for.

Everyone needs to remember this part of the original post. They approached the OP, not the other way around. Sounds like it happened during signups for rec ball, not travel and they were asked to try out for travel, correct? Maybe it was just for a tryout, but that apparently didn't happen, so I can understand the questions.

Houch126, welcome to the glorious world of girls travel ball. It does get better, but it could take a while and going through a few teams to find the best fit for your DD. Hang in there :)

One more thing: find a REAL travel team to join if you want to play travel. The rec all-star teams that pop up to play a tournament or two sometimes bring along the baggage of rec ball. Dedicated travel teams are the way to go. Just my $.02
May 7, 2008
If they are playing separate from the league, they could have asked your DD to play, if they had wanted to. Also, the man didn't even tell you that his plans had fallen through. (Maybe they didn't.)

I don't know how your daughter didn't know that the neighbor girl, and other girls, are playing elsewhere.

It does sound like your league is on the weaker side. I would suggest sending your DD to a top summer camp and then, working with her in the off season to move on to TB.

Look for a TB team. Do not tell anyone and go on your merry way.

I would re-evaluate if this neighbor is a friend or not.

League should be over by now, any way.
Jun 18, 2010
It was during sign ups for Summer Ball - or as most call it Rec Ball that we were asked about the traveling team. The neighbor was going to start his own & coach a traveling team & wanted to know how many were interested. I signed her up that we were interested. At that time I was told there was no "try outs" they did not think there would be enough girls interested - it was just who signed up. We are only a small town of 4300 people, we give our kids the best we can.

No one contacted us & it was another Mom (the neighbor's wife) that told me there was a snag & they aren't gonna do the traveling team this year.

It is now mid season that "the neighbor" is playing those games that he says "the other travel teams didn't want to cancel", so he is just playing them with what Rec Team he has. His words to me....

These "travel games" just started within the past 2-3 weeks, therefore we did JUST find out - so my daughter wouldn't have known the neighbor girl was playing them until I did.... with in the past few weeks.

The travel team was going to go through our Rec Ball board, it was going to be a requirement that you HAD to play our Rec Ball in our town to be on this traveling team - so not to recruit the biggest & baddest - it was to give our girls a chance. (or atleast that is how he (the neighbor) explained it to me at signups)

The other coaches I am coaching with had no idea he was playing these games either until just recently - almost like he is just doing whatever he wants (and yes I could be totally wrong on that).

I do not think my daughter is an awesome player for her age, I do not think she is above her league by any means or deserves to be on that team more then others. I was just wanting to give her the opportunity to travel & play more whereas local Rec Ball we only have around 10-12 games throughout 1 month.

I was looking for honesty & I thank you - I didn't play on a travel team until I was in High School & yes the last one I had to travel over 1 hour for practices. At this age we are just looking for more games & experience... not a die hard travel team - just what our town can offer. I just felt it was offerrd, cancelled & then kinda done behind everyones back. But just my opinion ....

Maybe I don't have any reason to be upset - but that is why I posed the question, sometimes you don't fully understand the other side unless you out right ask someone.

Thanks to all who gave me their 2 cents :)
Feb 9, 2009
sounds to me like the guy had high hopes...
He wanted to put a team together, and even went so far as to schedule games...but then, for WHATEVER reason, the team fell through. He then had to break the news to the other teams that he wouldn't be showing up with a team. And if I'm on the other end of the phone, I say "Aw, man! I just needed to get some games for my girls!! You seriously don't have a team?" which point he could've offered up his summer team...not thinking that those who are thin skinned might be a tad offended that their kids weren't even considered...I mean, he was just trying to honor his committment.

but, hey, I have an active imagination...
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL

Get in touch with the folks from the Streator Girls Softball organization and see what they have to offer. They are a travel softball organization from your area. If you are looking for higher level competition for your DD that might be a good fit.

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