Bat wrapping at load

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Jul 3, 2014
Inland Empire
My daughter has developed this bad habit of “wrapping” her bat around her back when she’s loading. She’s having a hard time catching up to faster pitching (she’s 14 & her team just jumped to 16’s). When we do tee work she’s fine, but with soft toss & live pitching she “wraps”. Any help to get rid of this would help!
Jul 3, 2014
Inland Empire
Thanks for the video. I figured we’d have to make some changes to her swing. With That little “hitch” in her swing she was still able to catch up to fast pitching in 14’s, but now in 16’s things come a little quicker and it’s starting to catch up with her.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Your DD's hands are drifting behind her shoulder too much, adding length and time. There's too much slop in the system to be efficiently quick. The only way to compensate is to commit to the swing earlier, which gets you in trouble with changes of speed.

Notice that DiCarlo's hands stay in front of the rear shoulder, and the barrel pivots around the hands...
Aug 20, 2017
Bat wrap is typical of girls that feel really strong in their upper bodies and try to use upper body muscles to power the swing. Get her to relax her upper body and think swing with the legs.
Jul 3, 2014
Inland Empire
Your DD's hands are drifting behind her shoulder too much, adding length and time. There's too much slop in the system to be efficiently quick. The only way to compensate is to commit to the swing earlier, which gets you in trouble with changes of speed.

Notice that DiCarlo's hands stay in front of the rear shoulder, and the barrel pivots around the hands...

Yeah I watched some video of my DD & watched the turning the barrel vid you posted a couple times and it makes complete sense. Going to try to introduce those progressions steps tonight during “garage BP” and see how she does. I’ll keep you guys posted. Their TB team is using the first few weeks in Sept to workout with the 18’s to get them used to the increased speed of the game. Might be a good time to mod her swing before HS season starts up in Feb.
Sep 29, 2014
I'd really like to see side view; I'm not sold on bat wrap without seeing that view. It will also let us see how much separation she is getting, is too much possible sure but it's kinda rare. One thing I did notice is she isn't fully engaging her lower body...coil seems OK but she seems to release way too early to the point were she is actually up on both toes. It looked really odd first time I saw it but that's a huge power leak, probably causing all sort of other issues with her swing. There is a natural rhythm to the swing (I looked at lot of other videos to make sure) and it is front heel down back heel up (we aren't just lifting it up it's the result of pushing but the actual point it comes off the ground) I can't find any video of this position of the hitter basically being on their toes. We preach it all the time sequence is key and honestly if you would have asked me I would have said this was a no teach because its so natural but I'm guessing at some point someone gave her some kind of cue that got her to doing this, the problem is she has released and is pushing but she is not pushing against any resitance since her front foot isn't planted basically all that power is lost and can't be recovered.

on toes.JPG
Jul 3, 2014
Inland Empire
I'd really like to see side view; I'm not sold on bat wrap without seeing that view. It will also let us see how much separation she is getting, is too much possible sure but it's kinda rare. One thing I did notice is she isn't fully engaging her lower body...coil seems OK but she seems to release way too early to the point were she is actually up on both toes. It looked really odd first time I saw it but that's a huge power leak, probably causing all sort of other issues with her swing. There is a natural rhythm to the swing (I looked at lot of other videos to make sure) and it is front heel down back heel up (we aren't just lifting it up it's the result of pushing but the actual point it comes off the ground) I can't find any video of this position of the hitter basically being on their toes. We preach it all the time sequence is key and honestly if you would have asked me I would have said this was a no teach because its so natural but I'm guessing at some point someone gave her some kind of cue that got her to doing this, the problem is she has released and is pushing but she is not pushing against any resitance since her front foot isn't planted basically all that power is lost and can't be recovered.

View attachment 14893
Here’s a little video of a cage session a couple weeks ago. Mind you this was after an hour of strength & agility training. She’s smoked by the time they start hitting
May 24, 2013
So Cal
It looks like she has the intention of taking her hands to the level of the ball. I suspect there has been a lot of "level swing" and "don't drop your shoulder" in her instruction up to this point.

Learning about swinging on an angled plane and adjusting tilt for different pitch location is an important concept. We want to see the barrel working through the hitting zone in a plane parallel with the angle of the shoulders. For a lot of players, starting with the barrel resting on the rear shoulder and using the hands to turn the barrel to contact helps with learning this idea.

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