What are some of the "unwritten rules" of softball?

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Jul 29, 2016
I'll start with three:

1) If you see someone trying to set up a shade/tent at a tournament, you are obligated to stop whatever you're doing and help. Same when you see someone taking it down.

2) If you are a catcher, and the umpire gets hit with a wild pitch or a foul, you must immediately go visit your pitcher in the circle.

3) If you are an umpire, and a catcher gets clipped with a tough foul-tip, you must immediately take off your mask and very slowly go through the routine of cleaning off the plate.
Jun 8, 2016
Well I just saw Batbusters Stith steal second up 8-0 in 3rd inning against a team that is clearly overmatched so not doing something like that (which might cause you to get plunked in baseball) isn't one of them I guess.

Edit: Having a run rule I suppose can justify doing that..I don't know.
Mar 28, 2014
On a foul ball that the batter runs out, the on deck batter picks up bat and gives it back to batter when she returns to the plate.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Well I just saw Batbusters Stith steal second up 8-0 in 3rd inning so not doing something like that (which might cause you to get plunked in baseball) isn't one of them I guess.

Something to consider...On a long day with a lot of games, and there's a run-rule in effect, ending a game quickly to save energy for the next games (pitchers and catchers, especially) isn't a bad decision. Playing a single baseball game with no time constraints and a full roster of fresh players changes these dynamics.
Jun 8, 2016
Something to consider...On a long day with a lot of games, and there's a run-rule in effect, ending a game quickly to save energy for the next games (pitchers and catchers, especially) isn't a bad decision. Playing a single baseball game with no time constraints and a full roster of fresh players changes these dynamics.
See my edit.. ;)


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I am not sure if you all know this one unwritten rule so I'll make you all aware of it for future reference. If I pass you and you have a bottle or can of Brisk Sweet Tea with lemon, you must offer me one. Again, not sure you all know this one so, there it is.

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