How can dd get a better swing?

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Jun 19, 2014
Being the mom, I am kinda of bias when it comes to my 16 year old dd swing. To me, besides her front leg load, I don't see anything wrong with her swing. Again, I know I am bias and not an expert when it comes to hitting. Maybe there is something her travel ball coach didn't like about her swing that I don't see, because she always batted at the bottom of the lineup. Whatever it is, I would like to figure it out so she can work on it before school ball starts.
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Jun 12, 2015
I am so far from an expert on this so take it with a grain of salt. The only thing that stood out to me was that she seems lackadaisical. No explosion.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Maybe there is something her travel ball coach didn't like about her swing that I don't see, because she always batted at the bottom of the lineup.

Is she out-hitting the top half of the lineup? In my days of making out the batting lineup, I've never based it on swing mechanics. It's about results.

As for the swing itself, the lack of explosion that grcsftball observed is not simply effort, IMO, but mechanical. I'm not a hitting coach and will let others diagnose and advise, but her front leg action is actually a good sign in that it tells me she senses that her hips are a key source of power and she's trying to tap into that. She just doesn’t fully understand how to use them yet. She has the potential to hit the ball much harder than she is hitting it, IMO.
Jun 19, 2014
Is she out-hitting the top half of the lineup? In my days of making out the batting lineup, I've never based it on swing mechanics. It's about results.

As for the swing itself, the lack of explosion that grcsftball observed is not simply effort, IMO, but mechanical. I'm not a hitting coach and will let others diagnose and advise, but her front leg action is actually a good sign in that it tells me she senses that her hips are a key source of power and she's trying to tap into that. She just doesn’t fully understand how to use them yet. She has the potential to hit the ball much harder than she is hitting it, IMO.

She hardly strikes out, normally walked or hit the ball. Last two tournaments, she hit it deep into outfield. Her team uses a lot of guest players, who all bat higher up in the lineup. Even with the guest players, the team would hit throughout the lineup but nothing grouped together to score. Last tournament, they score only 4 runs total. There were a few times, DD only batted 1 or times in the game.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
She hardly strikes out, normally walked or hit the ball. Last two tournaments, she hit it deep into outfield. Her team uses a lot of guest players, who all bat higher up in the lineup. Even with the guest players, the team would hit throughout the lineup but nothing grouped together to score. Last tournament, they score only 4 runs total. There were a few times, DD only batted 1 or times in the game.

I would've guessed with her swing that she doesn't strike out much as long as she's playing at her skill level, but isn't reaching power potential. How tall is she?

Doesn't sound like an ideal team situation if they use a lot of guest players. I hope only enough to field a team? Is the coach batting the full lineup? Is it more than 10 players typically?

IMO, your DD has a respectable swing, but not an advanced swing. It appears she has what some call a 'gate swing' (just one issue), meaning her torso and hips move out (rotate) together, as opposed to hips leading. That's very common, but very limiting. She needs to be able to understand this concept:

Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
She also keeps her shoulders and swing level to the ground. That's also common. You hear coaches say 'Don't drop your shoulder' and 'Swing level.'

But at the point of contact, the shoulders are going to be tilted, and the hands are going to be higher than the barrel of the bat.

(Something ironic about this photo is that I was going to say that I really don't like for hitters to have a closed front foot during the swing, like your DD's. I think it restricts hip rotation and puts a lot of strain on the knee. But this here hitter keeps it closed and had a good career. I still don't like it.)

But notice the shoulder, bat, arm angles.

Jun 19, 2014
Everyone bats in the lineup and they usually have 9-11 players...They don't have enough players. The reason I mentioned her front leg because I have received mixed messages from local coaches...some says it takes power away while other says it is fine. Either way, it is sending a mixed message on what she needs to focus on off season.
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Jun 12, 2015
Mine's used to being lead off or clean up (in 8U) but now she bats about 7th usually (1st year 10U). I've told her it makes no difference where she bats in the lineup, just get up there and hit the ball. The work's the same, 1st or last, ya know? I mean, in addition to working on the swing. The other teams may not be expecting much from the last half of the lineup so it's her job to get up there and surprise the crap out of them. :D
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
The reason I mentioned her front leg because I have received mixed messages from local coaches...some says it takes power away while other says it is fine. Either way, it is sending a mixed message on what she needs to focus on off season.

If she eliminated her front foot action and replaced it with nothing, she might have less power.

If she modified her front foot action and transformed it into a coiling out motion that was in sequence with getting her hands back, she would be batting much higher in the lineup.

Notice this hitter. Notice how she has a similar front foot action as your DD, but she really opens the hips ahead of her shoulder. Her front foot opens at heel plant, gets a lot of torque. Notice also how she brings her hands back as she's going forward - not before.

Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
HC this year had a random batting order, I never could figure it out. A lot of fun. Other coaches yells out it is the number 8 hitter, (not DD) she is the best hitter on our Team and puts it to the fence.

For some reason DD was #6 hitter on her school Team, no changeups batting 6. They just tried to throw the ball by her. :)
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