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Feb 14, 2010
The "hitting terminlogy" can be quite confusing at first but the best way to truly understand what you are reading is to take the info and try it out yourself. IMO it's impossible to teach something if you yourself don't know what it's supossed to feel like and the difference it makes. Video is great but if you can't feel it, you can't teach it. There is a lot of great information & nuggets in just about every post here but you have to do the work and wade through what you want to teach your DD.

Above all else let yor DD know that the work is paying off and show her how it is. Despite the arguments my DD & I have had, the time together is something that neither of us would ever give back, and that's what this is truly about. Keep plugging away DAD's, you may never teach them a high level swing, but you are teaching them how to be a high level parent.
Oct 14, 2008
The "hitting terminlogy" can be quite confusing at first but the best way to truly understand what you are reading is to take the info and try it out yourself. IMO it's impossible to teach something if you yourself don't know what it's supossed to feel like and the difference it makes. Video is great but if you can't feel it, you can't teach it. There is a lot of great information & nuggets in just about every post here but you have to do the work and wade through what you want to teach your DD.

Above all else let yor DD know that the work is paying off and show her how it is. Despite the arguments my DD & I have had, the time together is something that neither of us would ever give back, and that's what this is truly about. Keep plugging away DAD's, you may never teach them a high level swing, but you are teaching them how to be a high level parent.

Can i send mine to you for the high level parent thing?......lol
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
I am with you on that notion. Sometimes I just don't get the subtle differences being discussed and need things spelled out.

So, FFS, do you like the premise behind the Rebel Rack? It seems to me you might be losing some of the hands go back philosophy that is prevalent on DFP.

That seems like a very good question. However, when I finally found the demo vid, chas demonstrates and he is able to have his hands back with the device, despite its symmetry.

You do sort of have to start with the back elbow already slotted, it appears. And the front arm seems to drawn almost extra tight into the body. Still, probably minor issues and it's looks like an interesting idea.

Would like to hear from anyone who bought it and report back the feeling it promotes. The claims about hip and shoulder separation are particularly of interest, as I don't see how it de facto promotes that, but maybe it does.

At one point in the video Chas actually uses the phrase "stretch and fire".

$180 seems very expensive for a bat with resistance bands and a metal bar. The price did come down to about $110.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
That seems like a very good question. However, when I finally found the demo vid, chas demonstrates and he is able to have his hands back with the device, despite its symmetry.

You do sort of have to start with the back elbow already slotted, it appears. And the front arm seems to drawn almost extra tight into the body. Still, probably minor issues and it's looks like an interesting idea.

Would like to hear from anyone who bought it and report back the feeling it promotes. The claims about hip and shoulder separation are particularly of interest, as I don't see how it de facto promotes that, but maybe it does.

At one point in the video Chas actually uses the phrase "stretch and fire".

$180 seems very expensive for a bat with resistance bands and a metal bar. The price did come down to about $110.

Regarding the bold above ....

The notion is to not promote initiating the swing with the 'arms' ... and to do this he basically attempts to deactivate the arms while causing the swing to emphasize the obliques, lower back and front abdominal muscles. He wants the swing to progress through the core in a manner that has the hips rotating towards contact ahead of the shoulders. It is the bringing of the elbows back that causes the pinch in the rear scap for the purpose of deactivating the rear arm at swing initiation.

The basic premise sounds good. IMO the 'rack' takes things slightly out of sequence in terms of the pinching of the rear scap early … but if a hitter understands that such action should occur as the hands load rearward, then the action from there onwards is sound enough. My question is … why can’t his drill be performed without the rack? I’m able to perform the drill without the rack … it works quite well for emphasizing the points of emphasis that Chas wishes to emphasize.
Mar 14, 2011
Silicon Valley, CA
Regarding the bold above ....

The notion is to not promote initiating the swing with the 'arms' ... and to do this he basically attempts to deactivate the arms while causing the swing to emphasize the obliques, lower back and front abdominal muscles. He wants the swing to progress through the core in a manner that has the hips rotating towards contact ahead of the shoulders. It is the bringing of the elbows back that causes the pinch in the rear scap for the purpose of deactivating the rear arm at swing initiation.

The basic premise sounds good. IMO the 'rack' takes things slightly out of sequence in terms of the pinching of the rear scap early … but if a hitter understands that such action should occur as the hands load rearward, then the action from there onwards is sound enough. My question is … why can’t his drill be performed without the rack? I’m able to perform the drill without the rack … it works quite well for emphasizing the points of emphasis that Chas wishes to emphasize.

Yeah agree I have the same take. It looks like an interesting idea. I did take note of the forced early slotting of the elbow. Also, on the hitting rebellion site he has two vids side by side. I noted that when using the rack he has no tilt in his demo swing at all. No biggie, again, just curious exactly what feeling is given when using these aids, and what they promote.

Maybe the feeling of having the arms deactivated does help hitters with sequence and use of lower body and core. He makes pretty big claims of improvement.

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