USSSA Post Covid-19 Return-to-play guidelines

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Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
"Hi, Coach. I'm with the tourney guidelines enforcement committee. Your team wasn't following our guidelines during the last game, so consider this your first warning. Next infraction your team will be ejected from the tourney." refunds."
Feb 15, 2017
Guidelines will be implemented.
Whether or not people implement them
adds more to the unknown.

Regardless of what people think of the guidelines hope everybody does their part.

For softball'ers , would like to see this open go smoothly as possible and not have to be shut down again!

Cigarette smokers are an example of adjusting behaviors.
Years ago could smoke anywhere,
in restaurants to.
Now NO can do.
Not on the beach.
Not at ball parks.
Then mega taxes on them.
Locals got used to it.
Watch people come from out of state
pissed off at the price of cigs,
still buy them,
have to walk out to the parking lot
to smoke them!...but they do it!

People are capable of
making adjustments.

Wonder if guidelines will be enough
without turning into laws?
Cigarette smokers are showing lower infectious rates than non smokers. Time to light up in the dugout

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Apr 20, 2018
I was afraid before I read the guidelines they would not make much sense and/or be vague and left open to interpretation. Here are a few of my favorite:

'encourage all event attendees to practice social distancing " How is this accomplished?

"Take proactive steps in creating social distancing environments, where possible." It is impossible to play softball and practice social distancing

"any person who is experiencing symptoms of sickness will be prohibited from attending the event/venue of play. " Who is going to decide who is sick and who is doing the prohibiting? Tournament doctor and police?

designated seating and viewing areas for fans." Every team will now have an official Seating and Viewing Area Inspector? What exactly will they be looking for?

"Minimize the use of fields at facilities to remain within the current mass-gathering limitations of the local jurisdiction, if necessary" Huh? Play 5 on 5, if necessary?

"Expansion of the team dugouts should not be done into foul ball areas. " OK, expand in fair ball areas?

"Allow players to wear PPE items if they choose, " So Coach cant tell Jenny that she can't wear her Hazmat suit and mask in CF.

Ban the use of sunflower seeds. " They have really gone too far here!
Mar 10, 2020
I was afraid before I read the guidelines they would not make much sense and/or be vague and left open to interpretation. Here are a few of my favorite:

'encourage all event attendees to practice social distancing " How is this accomplished?

"Take proactive steps in creating social distancing environments, where possible." It is impossible to play softball and practice social distancing

"any person who is experiencing symptoms of sickness will be prohibited from attending the event/venue of play. " Who is going to decide who is sick and who is doing the prohibiting? Tournament doctor and police?

designated seating and viewing areas for fans." Every team will now have an official Seating and Viewing Area Inspector? What exactly will they be looking for?

"Minimize the use of fields at facilities to remain within the current mass-gathering limitations of the local jurisdiction, if necessary" Huh? Play 5 on 5, if necessary?

"Expansion of the team dugouts should not be done into foul ball areas. " OK, expand in fair ball areas?

"Allow players to wear PPE items if they choose, " So Coach cant tell Jenny that she can't wear her Hazmat suit and mask in CF.

Ban the use of sunflower seeds. " They have really gone too far here!
This cynical approach without application will stop progress. Are you willing to prevent progress.
Apr 20, 2018
This cynical approach without application will stop progress. Are you willing to prevent progress.
Just being realistic. Not a fan of nonsense. Suggesting keeping the players further apart in dugout (which aint happening anyway) while using the same crowded restrooms with only cold water will somehow slow the spread is silly.
It is really going to come down to either you allow DD to play or you dont.

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