The girls just want to play ball.

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May 9, 2008
Hartford, CT
That's what we do .... 7 tournaments ... so min 28 games (assuming min 4 guarantee each weekend) ... we play 5-6 each weekend (this is mid June through the end of July only)
Team added three fall winter tourn's (our 3rd is in Glens falls Dec 18th).
9th grade team and HS players can only play HS mid March until season ends (which is differnt for JV V and different for each town)
We will end up with 50 ish games From Oct-July ..

Kids in 14U 8th grade and 12U play more as they have all spring too ...
Jul 30, 2010
I always thought that a "travel ball lite" (TBL) program would be a great thing. Somewhere in commitment between "rec all-stars" and "full-blown travel ball", where the TBL team would only play maybe 8 - 10 tournaments (40 to 50 games a year?) and still allow time for other sports, activities. Does a limited softball program like this exist?

Keep in mind, in Penna. High School ball starts in March ( and its still damn cold) and goes until at least the 1st week in June and maybe more if you make the state playoffs. Many HS coaches will not allow their players to play TB while HS season is in. (unless the HS coach is a TB coach too) So what we consider a TB season is from about the 2nd week in June until after Nationals in August. We will play 8-10 tourneys during that time frame. After nationals we may play 2 more depending on how beat up we are.
May 9, 2008
Hartford, CT
We have two ... never needed more.

It it is cold kids can wear black underarmour and they can purchase their own team sweatshirt ...

Originally Posted by PAcoach
We give 3 uniforms, working on the 4th.
I remember when frugality was a virtue.
Jul 30, 2010
I remember when frugality was a virtue.

at least half of our tournamnets are 3 day events. 2 sets of uniforms were bought and paid for by a donor and did not come out of our budget. Also, the uniforms are on a replacement schedule, so we don't get stuck buying 13 girls 2 new sets every other year. We are frugile, thats why we have the replcacement schedule in place.
Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
I always thought that a "travel ball lite" (TBL) program would be a great thing. Somewhere in commitment between "rec all-stars" and "full-blown travel ball", where the TBL team would only play maybe 8 - 10 tournaments (40 to 50 games a year?) and still allow time for other sports, activities. Does a limited softball program like this exist?

That's about what our team is going to be doing this year. 9 tournaments scheduled with one of those possibly to be dropped from the schedule. We'll play in either the ASA or NSA northern national depending on qualification and such. I expect our game total to be around 65 - 70 for the year. The bulk of the schedule is played from Memorial Day through Nationals. A couple early tournaments in spring for a check point on the things we really need to work hard on befor the season gets rolling in the summer.
Oct 23, 2009
Los Angeles
Regarding TBL, I like the idea of playng primarily in the summer. How much practice do you do in the Fall? Because of the weather in SoCal you can play pretty much year-round but for TBL you could limit play to Summer and a few tourney's in fall and have the rest of the year for other activities such as spring soccer, basketball, etc.. I think parents and players would be receptive to this limited schedue if it afforded them time for other pursuits?


Crazy Daddy
Oct 31, 2008
The "Loving your local Town" team is the High School Team. At least in our area. Other than that, I agree.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
Uniform cost is a necessary evil of TB. When your girls are playing 80+ games a year
pants wear out, socks are holy, girls are bored with the tops. When we play on Fri-Sat-Sun
it is nice to not have to worry about laundry with the busy summer season. We wear black pants
often and they can be found everywhere for $15. These costs are minimal when put into the
picture of hotel stays, food etc. Besides, what teen girl do you know that doesn't want a wardrobe change
on occasion? Practice shirts promote the 'team image and are also made available to the parents
with a small profit attached for team expenses
Jul 26, 2010
Use a KISS approach to TB uniforms. All you need to provide is a jersey. Don't pick strange colors for pants and socks and your girls will be able to choose and replace these on their own. Black pants are black pants and no one cares if you bought the $60 Mizuno's or the $20 Russel's. Socks are the same thing. Pick a color for underarmor and they can provide their own. Sell team sweatshirts and jackets, visors and such as part of fundraisers.

Yeah, those unique, striped uniforms look really snazzy. . . for about two weeks until they're randomly spotted with grass and food stains. Like you said, the girls just want to play ball.


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